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A Tale Of Two Sisters Trailer

Okay so, here's the trailer!
Kinda scary.
But the whole movie isn't as scary ask the trailer ehh..
Cos they put some calming scene after a scary one(:

Umm, I posted the videos below.
Watch part one first.
If you can't find it, go to my archives (:
Click 'May'.

Yep. You found it.

If you want a less thrilling movie, watch 'The Uninvited'
A tale of two sisters is the original movie.
Published in 2005.
The uninvited is a copy of this one.
And they changed some of the scene.
But both is scary ehs.

Watch this with someone.
Don't think about it alot, hehe.

I watched it alone.
It's so scary.
I haven't watched the whole movie yet.
Paused at part 5..

And now is night time.. so, it's creepy >.<;

Just.. ENJOY!
It's not real kay, don't need to be scared of your wardrobe at night haha.