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Yo People~!

So , I didn't post anything yesterday..
I was busy doing my slide show for English project.

Anyways , yesterday , ran 3 rounds the whole school.
This time round is not so tiring as usual.

So I think the secret is to run in the front row. Muahahaha~!

Yeah , I was disappointed today. Didn't get to perform the English thingy.
But get a BAD result for english essay. Ugh~! Only 17/30.

Plus , my friend kept on making Geog teacher angry. Till she stop teaching.
Argh! Idiots~!! Don't they want to pass?! Can't they think of other people who want to learn?!

Gah , today wasn't as good as expected. Didn't bring my Literature text book. Luckily escaped.

OMG , I can't even get my brain to think straight~! I keep on writing nonsense here.
Yah , Let me cool down. I still got homeworks to do~!!! Ah~!!!

I'm gonna do it now then.

GoodBye  Sir and Ma'm *peace*