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Finally came to school today!(:
Yesterday felt like Sunday, it was so FUN!
Yep, so.. school was fine(:
Pat , Shah came to school today.
First thing that I do when I just arrived, shout, ' PAAATTTTT~~~!!!'

Yeah, then during assembly, our class left early cos' we had to do a bag check.
It sucks cos' I was like super nervous, eventhough I did nothing wrong.
Bryan lost his iPhone, It's like... losing $800
Ughhh, why did he tell teacher anyways?

We had a super.. security... idk called what, super serious bag check.
Like, before going inside the class, take out our shoes, show teacher that your pocket is empty.
Omigosh. Actually I sorta enjoyed it, hehehehes.

Mr.Keh was like checking the false ceiling >.<;
Ms.Tng was taking out all the stuffs from the cupboard, check here and there.
Pat, Fatin and Teresa surrendered their Handphones, eyhh~
So honest. Hahaha.
Actually Pat didn't wish to.
Well, at last all of them got their handphone back (:

I suspected that it was "Eat Long John"
He was like fidgeting the whole time, from when Ms.Tng told the class about it.
And he got canned for stealing money, from other primary school.. (i think, he's like so proud when he told me =__=)
And, I was suspicious also,, once before D&T lesson, I went up with Pat, we took our stuffs,
then I was in a hurry so I just took out my coins from my pocket.
It was like more than $2 and when I came back, left 20 cents..
WTH! Well, I asked him like a few days ago, I think it's last week...
Then he was like, ' Me?! NO! Cannot be one.. ' whattheheck.
He never act like that, Who ask you to tell me sey. :/
Just making yourself into more, deeper, trouble. Make people hate you more.
Well, there's time when I may say that I don't hate you.
Cos' I'm in a good mood kay'

Ugh, enough of all those thingy.
Oh yep, funny part during the bag check.
When I was like taking out all my stuffs.
I was like super nervous cos I brought my *ahem*.
Then Dionne beside me was like, ' eh, don't need to take out, just put inside, I also bring. '
When Mr.Keh was like checking my bag, inside.. Dionne was like, ' MR.KEH!! You Cannot SEE that! '
Hahahas, Thanks You Dionnneeee!(:
Well, then Mr.Keh's face was like turning red or something, he was like.. ' Ya, I know what's that. '

Anyhoo, visitors from MOE came to school today.
Our class was like damn noisy lahhhs.
I was like super frustrated.
It was suppose to be english lesson but a teacher relieved us.
Nat was hearing songs using his mp3 which isn't caught -__-;
Then other was like minding their own business,
playing with each other. I was like telling Pat, ' Eh, you want me to scold you before going back to your seat is it? '
Then she was like, ' Yah(: '
So I joked, ' SCOLD! '
*laughs* ' I 'scold' you already, go back to your seat. '

Omg, I'm sort of random today in school.
Was sort of in a bad mood, idk why. Uhhh.
Math lesson we learnt about another method for like guess and check using algebraic methods.
Arghhh~~ I was like stuck on question 7 and 9.
Had no idea.
Lucky I can still cope(:

So, science lesson was sort of boring, did the wrong page for homework~~
Wasted my time eh!
Suppose to skip 60 and do 62 but i did 60 and didn't do 62 >.<;
Yep, so after all those lessons, went to Punggol int, used bus No. 3.
Then went to use bus 83~ took to CP.
Hehehe, slack urhs.
W/ Pat, Fatin, Shah and Sharra.
Pat went off at her stop cos' she says she needs to go for French.
Yeah you should have >.<;
The teacher had been searching for you the whole time when you were absent~

Anyways, ~~~~!!!! (:
Bought Kim Hee Chul's name tag!!!!
AHHHHH~~~!!!!! SO COOLL!!!!!~~~~!!!!
It was probably the best part of today(:

Pinned it on my pencil case, you can see it on Monday.

Ah, Hengbokhamnida~~
ja neun sarang kim hee chul(: *hearts*

Yeah, so, Peace out *peacing out(: *