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silence breaker.

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Talks, Canning and stuffs

Hellows Fellow human beings!(:

So today was so-so.
Class was like super quiet.
Except for Geog. ( ofcourse duh -__- )
And English lesson cos' Ms.Sheena brought Coffee to class.
And we were like questioning her(cos she wrote to her 10 years later self and wrote like "Are you still drinking 2 pots of coffee a day?") and some of use was like asking her to give us some , she was like ' I can give you other things but I can't give you my coffee. EVER!'

Did D&T test today.
I didn't finish that test!!
Wth! At first I was like stuck cos' i can't Mirror my circle!
I was like wasted 10+ minutes of my time thinking about it!
More than 3 teachers have been walking around my table and is like staring at me cos' I've been staying there stuck.
So yeah, decided to do another one , like the other circle, ughh. Regretted lots.
Should have like done it long time ago.
Since I didn't mirror it , i guess I got 23/25 of that excercise.
And, I didn't have time to do the drawings.
Gah. I guess I get only like 6/15 for that one!

Dang! Dang! Dang!
Yep. So.. since then I was like frustrated.
Really got 11/20 for Geog.
Well, better than fail -___-;

Anyways, Nat got canned today.
It was iLive lesson.
At first when the principal came, I was like ' Oh shit. '
The class was like automatically pushing the tables and chairs all the way back to the wall.
Then principal was like talking about what he did and stuffs.
In just a minute, Nat was already in place, getting ready, 
Mr.Minjoot asked Dexter to hold Nat's hand.

Mr.Boon( if not wrong. ) took a cane and got into his position.
as always, his style, 
180 degrees. full swing, ' swoosh! swoosh! '
' Wa~ PIAAKK! '
Gosh, it was like so loud.
Then Nat put his hands on the air, like surrendering.
In my mind I was like ' Oh shit. Ok ok, it's over. '
I didn't know it would be 2 strokes in one go!
I wasn't even prepared and Mr.Boon was like swinging the cane again.
one more time, 'WA~ PIAKK!! '

I was like O.M.G!
Then Nat ofcourse did his fidgeting and stuffs again.
I see tears at the edge of his eyes.
And by the time Mr.Boon open his protector, 
I saw like somehow he was crying.
Not totally crying , but tears. Yeah.
Seriously.. I bet that hurts.
Just.. I don't know when you will wake up.
Seriously, when will you learn your lessons?

Today no one went out of the class cos' teacher didn't ask to.
Probably they thought that we saw enough already and is used to it or something.
Argh. Anyways, then.. continued iLive lesson.
Nat took a letter from office, then soon we went to the hall.

Have a talk, from Halogen company.
Mr.Martin Tan was the speaker.
He was fun(:
He was like asking us in the count of three to lock our fingers together.
Try it, 1.... 2.... 3...

So, he said ' How many of you put your left thumb over your right thumb? '
' Oh I see, Majority of you did. '

I put my right thumb over my left thumb.
' Okay, as the scientist says, people who put their left thumb over your right thumb, you are the right brainers. As for the people who put their right thumb over your left, you are left brainers. '
' As scientists said, people who put their left thumb over your right thumb, you are creative.. you are average for Mathematics , science. You have a talent.. '

So as he said they are creative , I was like.. What?

' So people who put their right thumb over your left thumb, you are as good as them. You are good in Science, Maths.. But you are bad in Art. And... Mandarin. '

Eee.. I bad in Art meh?

So then he said, ' So, some people, very few people, will put their thumbs aligned with each other... they are quite unique '

So yeah, I thought I was in that , cos' at first I put my fingers like that and then changed it to the right thumb over left ones... I was quite anticipating as he said they are unique and only a few people was.

Then he said, ' Those people... are no brainers! '

I was like, Oh...kay..... Heh.... heh.. Paiseh urh.

Then he said, ' Females with their left thumb over their right thumb, your husband will rule over you. '

So I thought mine wasn't bad.

Then he said, ' The females with their right thumb over their left thumb , you are SAFE! '

I was like, ' Oh Yeah~! '

'.... But your Mother-In-law will rule you! '

Then I was like... ' oh, well... err... okay....? '
Actually I think being ruled by Mother-in-law is worse eh.

So yeah.
Did you sort of get it?
Yeah,, then he talked about saving the Earth and stuffs.
So the school was like noisy.
Then we got  punished, 15 minutes in silence.
Sit in the hall doing nothing.
Just listening to the principal talk.
Then the sec 2s, 4s and 5s were dismissed,
Left with sec 3s and 1s.
Ugh, we got punished worse and left the hall like 2.30 PM
Stupid people talk so much, wasted my time -__-

Anyways, Pat, Banhong, Shamira..!!
Actually I kinda wished you guys came today.
The talk was fun. And the canning... 
Get Well Soon! See you people on Friday! (:

So yeah, Peace Out peeps!
Wrote so much future letter to myself, hehehe.
For my this year B'day, for next year... and 10 years later's (: