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Yesterday and Today(:

So yeah, I'm sort of bored, and I guess I should write something here.(:

Yesterday, school was quite fun uhhs.
As I wrote previously, I got back my English and Math test papers.
Both got the same marks.
Hahaha, during english lesson, I was like debating with Ms.Sheena about the 'calamity' (i think),
Cos' I wrote 'death' and she marked it as wrong.
She explained that some words like 'crisis' , 'accident' wasn't accepted..
She explained it like using people broke they're arm is considered an accident bla bla and won't lose their life and stuffs. (Or , did I heard it wrongly ?! X___X)
So I thought, the accepted answer were 'misfortune' , 'disaster' etc.
But If someone broke their arm it is also considered misfortune and disaster!~
Actually when I like went up to her, point to my answer she used her 'No Way!' voice , ' NO! no! wrong! Calamity isn't death! ' Hah, actually I have some other stuffs that i want to debate, but I considered it a no..
She wrote me lifting~!!
I just put 'amazed of' and the passage wrote like 'to his amazement' ...
Is it lifting?

Then during science lesson, it was quite boring..
Re-capping about the previous lesson.
Simple distillation and stuffs, 

Maths was SO not good. I already got a disappointing marks, and then the lesson was so a bad mood.
Literature was okay, we read the sheep pig story.
Mr.Keh was like talking about the mother dog(female, ofcourse duh!)
and said, ' bitch. ' (female dog -__-)
Then I was like, ' Oh wait. Did he just say.. bitch? '
Then Calvin was like, ' ...For female dog '
I guess he thought I don't know =__=

Geography lesson was the worst.
Mr.Keh just told the class about our behaviour, our attitude towards Mrs.Franklin.
I totally agree what he stated.

But then the class was just, chaotic.
People changing places..
Nathan making her so fed up, 
Fauzi rebelling. 

Mrs.Franklin was so frustrated that she left the class.
Lots of people was like blaming Nathan.
And he was like not admitting a thing kay'!
He said all sorts of vulgar words.
Like , ' Shut The F*c* Up lah! '
'That 'cb'(white chicken)'
bla bla bla.
I was like flaring up then, super stupid.
Thanks to Zi Xian , she was like shouting at him , ' SHUT UP LAH, NATHAN! '
straight at his face.
Then he was shutting up(:
But yeah, eventually talks rubbish again. :/
Jeremy also, like so angry, kept on talking back to everyone who talks to him.....

So it was like last lesson.
Mrs.Franklin went back to class taught us stuffs again.
I wished our class would be more 'peaceful'.
After the lesson finished, 
I stayed in class, swept the floor etc.
While waiting for others to come and do the class decoration.
Well at first it was fine, until I got like this freaking headache.
I became like so evil.
Said the f word to Nat... cos he was like shouting ' MR.MINJOOT! ' real loud.
Actually i was like saying , '' 
then like got smth stuck in my throat and the 'k' came out so yeah, it happened..
It was like the first time I said it in Greendale, and sort of mean it.. >.<;
Ahhh~~ Apologies!

Yeah other bad stuff is that Esther was like using markers(permanent I think),
and wrote stuffs on my file thinking that it could be erased.
Idiot. IT CAN'T KAYS!!!!! ASSTART!!! 
I'LL KILL YOU TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She even shouted ' Asshole' to me yesterday. Ughh~~
I was like drawing the people then she was disturbing me like 'hell'

Uh, then my headache got like even worse,
I then went home with Sharra.... -____- forgot the class key!!!
( Relax, I gave it to Banhong already , that day.. )
So, journey with Sharra was... weird.
She was like laughing to herself all the time uhhs.
Cos' her body was (as usual) wet. Well, not that wet.
Just like when someone finished bathing without drying themselves..
And waiting for the wind to dry them or something, the wetness is like ...
idk how to say, but it's like so much sweat, but it isn't in the water droplets form..
Just like a flat surface, that it wet. Got it?

Yup, so I was like joking..
' Hey, Are you evaporating or something? '
Then she laugh like mad, idk for what >.<;
She was like blaming me for making her laugh duhh.
So I thought evaporating doesn't really makes sense.
then.. ' Hey, are you condensing or something? '
(cos' it was like clouds, before it became rain(sweat)(water droplets) and her skin was like skies , so yeah, condense(: ik, hard to explain but yeah, it's weird that she laughs so ... over.. reactingly. ) 

So then at the MRT, she was like poking me, leaving nails marks at my skin.
And she was like laughing at it.
It wasn't even funny! It hurts ehh :/ and.. ticklish.
After she went off, I was like stoning in there until arrived on my station.

So yeah, then realised about the key stuffs.
Waited for someone to arrive home, and it was my sis.
I told her and she was like the one worrying.
Chatted with Faith, she couldn't meet me at CP..
Ugh, then I called Banhong.. he was like not that sure.
But at last met me.
He went with his Mom..
Yeah, my sis went with me for a reason( ofcourse )
to buy her decoration stuffs.... =____=

She was like scolding me from home, 
I tried changing subjects but she was like, ' Did you say thank you?! Did you greet his Mom?! '
Then I was like I did, but I just smiled at his Mom............. 
And asked my sis why she asks so much.
Yeah, she was then like, 'It's basic stuffs!' bla bla.
It's hard being the youngest >.<;
People think it's good, but it isn't..
Being in the middle, is good(:

So, end of day!(:

Today woke up at 7.41 , listen to songs until my alarm rings at 7.45.
My sister didn't go to school -___-
Missed her exam uhhs.
Then she was like half blaming me >.<;
Ask why never wake her up, 
How should I know eh! I didn't hear the alarm...
I only wakes up to my alarm. idk why..
And will wake up if someone opens the door, or on the light,
or... someone talks to me

Oh yeah! Reminds me of that day (i guess its 2 days ago ) in the morning, 
whereby I woke up suddenly, answering to my sister's sleep talk speech.
I don't even know what she is talking about.
Then I was like ' Ummmmm~ ' like that. lols.
I myself was surprised. Hahaha.

So yep, today was fun.
At ICA, everything goes well.
Went on tour inside the ICA gallery.
So cool siol.

Then went back up and waited for like 30 minutes+++
Heard lots of songs to kill time(:
Joked with my Mom on the way uhhs.

So when finished, took shuttle bus to City Square Mall.
At first we was like buying groceries,
and then I was like being a 'guai' kia asking her mom to gave her a haircut cos' she hates it.
Yeah, so we went to search for a good saloon. hehehe.
Somehow we end up window shopping at shops~
Hahahaha. I was like so tired already.
Finally she bought finish he stuffs~
And I was like dragging her to the saloon(:

I cut my fringe like Pat(:
But not really exactly like hers...
Umm.. More like Dionne's i guess.
And re-nice-ing my 'not-nice-layered-hair' into a nicer layered hair(:
Looovvveee iiittt LOTS!

*smiles* So, Peace Out!!