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dKpop News
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super junior IF

silence breaker.

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Oh! it's Sunday!

Woo~ It's Sunday~
Omg, time passes real quick.
Yesterday was alright.
Played computer till like 11.30 PM.
Then slept like at 12++

I slept like 12 hours plus. Omigoshh~~
Yeah i know..
I woke up at like around 7.21 AM,
then listen to songs for awhile and fell asleep again.
Woke up at 9 something,
I was thinking to get out of bed already but still continue listening to songs.
And then... I fell asleep.
So yeah, woke up at like 11.54 AM...
Eeee~ Sorta broke the record of my sleeping time(:
Good and Bad hehehe.

So yep, after that bath and watch TV for awhile..
Then went out and ate KFC w/ sis.
Arrived home and watch TV..
Then did math homework.
Surprisingly it was quite simple(:
Just don't understand then integers,,
cos' I was absent on Thursday~
So then, here I am!
My brother went out, so I can use the lappy!(:

Uhh, currently watching WGM..
Seohyun & Yonghwa's..
just up till part 2..
2 more hasn't finished subbing.
Anyways, can't wait for it hehehe.
Awkwardness in the air ~

So.. I should 'Peace Out' I guess.

B.B Peeps! (: