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It's Monday! Oh wait.. today is Tuesday!

So today was awesome I guess(?)
I was like sort of stoning when Pat, Fatin and Shamira was chatting.
Hahahaha, cos' I was like super sleepy.
Yesterday night, I went inside my bedroom at like 10.30 PM++
Then I don't know how and when did my sister and I started talking.
Oh yeah, we started talking about money, 
and then it came to keyboards which my sister wants to buy.
And then it came to music lesson.
Then about school stuffs.
And out of a sudden, we talked about Lady Gaga amputating her leg for fashion.
Talked about Mika, Justin Bieber , and some other K-pop stars.
Woo, then actually it was like midnight, cos' my watch beep-ed.
Then I was like, ' Oh My God! it's midnight. '
Then my sister was like, ' Oh, midnight only... '
Then I was like saying that I wanted to sleep already.
But suddenly we started talking again until like 12.30 AM...?
And I slept like straight away I guess.
And I woke up LATE. =__=
ikr, it's like late for 40 minutes..
My sister say she would wake me up.
Ughhhhhh, so yeah, actually that night she asked me to wake her up at 5.30.
Hehehehe, since I woke up later by 10 minutes.
I was like hitting her leg till she respond.
Wooh. Today morning and whenever, it was ARRWWSOOMEE! 

Then went to school, 
Yeah, as said. I talked to Pat , Fatin, Shamira etc.
Oh yeah! Jeremy cut his hair!
The Bowl style. HHAHAHA!
Oh wait, is it mushroom??
And, Pat's pink camera was COOLIOS!
We're like going to camwhore tomorrow at her house(: 
I guess.. Hahaha, maybe I won't be, just her(:

So then we went for morning assembly.
Shamira was like asking Dionne what type( or ideal type I should say.. ) of guys she like.
Then Dionne was like, ' Why are you asking me that question '
And Shamira just said, ' Okay, I should tell our class boys that they should be handsome and "angmorh" to be with Dionne '
(LOLS) Yeah, we talked about other stuffs also(:

Then during the national anthem..
At the national pledge.
Right when we finished, (haven't finished the school pledge yet.) a guy from 1E4 vomited!
It was like chaotic.
The people beside him was like, ' Eeeewww!!! It got to my shoe !!! ' all sorts.
I guess he didn't eat anything other than water..
Cos'' I know it's disgusting , but its like all liquid kay.
Colourless. Like mineral water.
Actually when I was like looking at it, I just like feel my whole body becoming warmer.
And then Shamira was coughing, I thought she was laughing, and then I started laughing.
Hahahaha, Omg, I'm evil :X
So yeah, then the people around him who got like his vomit went somewhere.
Then Mr.Minjoot came with a whole lot of newspaper and cover it.

What a morning to start with.
So yeah, it was then Home period!
Fun ehs. So after that I went for MT lesson with Pat.
Woo! I was like making birthday card for Sharra(in advanced) and Pat was like writing this 'Arh Lianzxc' card thingy.
I titled it like, 'My Kawaiizxc girl' something like that.
Then we were like laughing like mad luhs.
She wrote like, wow.. Idk, just wait for her till she like, scan it or something.

So then it was math.
First period we did our chapter 13 corrections.
And then had a small topical test.
I was like stuck at question 1(b).
It was hard(for me), well at least I can do the rest..
Luckily there was like 3 questions of inequalities and only 1 algebra(which I don't quite get it)..

Yeahhh, then it was recess!
It was fun(: and full(:

Yep. Then it was science lesson.
Calvin keep making noise, through his nose. Cos he got runny nose.
Yeah,,,, so weird.
And! I drawn stuff on Magdalene's hand!
Wooo~ I wrote stuffs like 'Sallust', 'Heechul, Super Junior' , 'Live. Laugh.Love.Peace. '
and draw ninja turtles like mad. Hahaha.

Oh yeahh.
Then it was english lesson.
It sucks. 
Well at first it wasn't.... cos' Ms.Sheena decided to bring us to the library to like borrow books since she has half an hour with us..
So some people was like talking so loud in the library and were asked to go back to class.
We were reprimanded.
She then asked people who talked in the library to stand up.
Yeah, I did. I admit.
But some people just DIDN'T kay'
I was like super pissed off.
It's like only 4 kuai kia who didn't talk and listen to teacher and the WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE talking!
And it can't be the 13 people standing talk so damn loud and make those type of noises kay?!
There's freaking upper sec talking also right?
Not to say that it's their or Ms.Sheena's fault.
But I was like just going to borrow a book, and then 'POOF!' we were asked to go back =______=;
I didn't even like scream.
I don't know whether it was 'right' to stand up or not..
Just so embarrassing lah.
Ugh don't wanna talk about it.

So yeah, they made an announcement.
They said what sec 1 and 3 assembly at 1..
Nathan was like, 'Yes! Oh yes!' I guess it's because he don't need to get canning that time..
Oh God, I can't imagine Fauzi getting canned kay.
He was like damn scared.
Nathan even told me that he tried to put tissue in his yah you know.. to like prevent the pain like that lahh.
Omg, I become like so singlish.
Okay Change topic.

So during iLive, we were like suppose to write 200 freaking words about a lesson that we learnt.
Since we were like given only half an hour, I only like wrote 167 words something....
Then we went outside to see the works that the sec 2/3 did..
Yeah , we were like suppose to vote for  a group.
Then I just gave my 2 stickers to Nabilah SL.
Hahaha, then we got free sweets(:
So like almost all the 1E3 pupils gave the vote to  her group.
Hahaha, so lucky..
And yeah! guess what! She's in Suria channel at 7 PM!

So then we finished and went to pack up and go to assembly.
It was like super boring..
They brief us about this examination rules, how you should prepare and stuffs.
Then this irritating sec 3 students was like clapping after every section was finished.
Then because of them the teacher was like talking about it all over again.
And Pat, Fatin and Shamira was like counting numbers.
If not wrong they counted till like 320 something.
I followed and lost count. lools.

So finished with the talks and all.
It was like 2.05 PM.
Pat, Banhong and Shamira went and take their D&T test which they missed.
Fatin, Esther, Amelia, Sharra and I was like waiting for them.
We waited until like 3.05 and then Esther went off cause she said she was wasting her time whatever stuffs.
And then Sharra left 10 minutes later.
(Lucky she did, cos' we didn't really go to CP hahaha.)

So then Pat, Shamira, Fatin, Banhong , Tyronne and Amelia went to PP, bought bubble tea.
I bought Green Apple Red Tea.
It's nice(:

So yeah, we took 3 to Punggol int.
And took 83 to SK int.
I went to 7-eleven and bought Magazine.
Shah bought TomYam noodles and ate cos' she hadn't eaten anything since like 3(the day before)

Yeah, I wanna go watch other stuffs(:
Probably will share some Japanese videos.
Yeah, Gaki No Tsukai. Hotel Men.
The part 27 and 28.
Damn hilarious.
But some are disgusting.
