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Relax, I don't post bad stuffs. *laughs*
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Enjoy! *peace*
dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

189th post; David Choi in SG; *peace*

Oh wee, 189th post ^____^
So yeah, cool news.
David Choi coming to Singapore on the 15th August till the 26th of August.
AWESOME! Maybe somehow will meet him somewhere in Singapore while strolling. (Oh, I wish)
Performing @Esplanade, the Bay beats thingy. 
At 21st August. For FREE~~! ^____^
Hehs, but need to know what time... cos' it's school days(?)
Woots. It probably be the best birthday present ever~ If I did go though. Hehehehs.

So yep. Nothing much happened. 
Cooked 'tahu' and 'tempe'. (lols.)
Got scolded for nothing, only listened to songs.
Too lazy to start on homeworks.....
Wish to go out to malls and watch movie.
And yeah, it's like super cheap!
Rp 10,000;-  Only~! Convert to Singapore dollars is like lesser than $1.50
The seats are good, it's cold... it's like so AWESOME.
Probably going out soon, hehehe.
So yeah my cousin's going to get engaged soon. Woots.
But need to take plane if I want to go though.

So yep. peace~
Gonna watch videos. Hehehe.

Buuaaaiiieeess.. *peace*