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Note peeps, this is my blog and I post stuffs that I want.
Relax, I don't post bad stuffs. *laughs*
Well, if you want me to remove anything, go ahead and tell me.

Enjoy! *peace*
dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

Oh Hi, I saw YOU on TV! teehee!

Oh heylos!
How's life...?
Heh, you won't answer me what's he point of asking.
Euuuhhh, I feel emo O__O
Nevermind, change topic.

So, yesterday after I blogged and play all sorts of games and videos..
Watched 'Take  him our Indonesia' , 'Celebriti DNA' all weird shows and then went up to my room at about 9.30 something...
Just listening to 'Justin bieber's Stuck in the moment while writing my 'daily moments' in my so called one month diary..
And my brother came in and ask my sister and I to go down, cos' my Dad arrived from work.
sigh, so then we started working..
Yeah office work. I don't understand at first cos' I don't really know how to use excel but I know now.
So then we did halfway and my Dad was on the phone with his colleague(?), some problems..
Yep, then my brother started playing games on his laptop..
My sister also was playing games on another laptop.
So I decided to play one on my own as well, hehe. Played on (or isit with an 's'? dunno, Forgot.)
Yep. playes bloroxz , it was fun, stuck on stage 6.. I think.
So then decided to play Sky wire 2 with my sister at 
It was awesome. We laughed but covering sometimes cos' my dad was on the phone and wasn't in a good mood.
So after that, we played Twin Shot. It was fun ^___^

So at about 1.40 AM, we stopped playing as the laptop only left with 7% battery..
And then went to the living room and chat about stuffs.
So at about 2 AM, went to bed.
My sister was still doing her stuffs, and I went to sleep listening to songs.
So because of that, woke up at 11 AM >3<
Yeah slept about 9 hours, as usual. Hehehe.
And then started listening to songs again..
Till about 12++ I bath-ed and went down to eat Nasi Padang (again, I guess that's my daily food right now. Hehs)
It was tasty. Yumm! Oh I feel like eating it again.
Anyways, soon then went up and listen to songs again, write stuffs in my one month diary.
Mom asked me to go down.
So I did as told and end up working again.
Yeah the same office work.

So then I finished only 4 of them and then was feeling lazy so I facebook-ed.
Played Pet society, decorated abit of my pet's house.
Yeah, so then read people's blog.
Well, their previous posts cos they don't update..
(sigh, they ask me to update but they don't update. Not FAIR!)
So then I end up here.

Yep. I'm bored.
David Choi ask me what number he was thinking about from 0 to 500,000.
Didn't realise that the contest is over and just stupidly wrote numbers.
Hehe, I put 0 and 500,000. Cos' it makes sense..(?)
Yeah, will win his By My Side album with autograph. Ahhhh!
I want it so badly, more than SUJU's or any other album.
So.. his account had been suspended, stupid 2 companies who said that he copyright the music and stuffs like that.
What the hell, without him, I won't even know that there's that music dude!
Better give him back his account. =____=
Not that it's Youtube's fault or something, but it's job. So yeah.
Can only says Good Luck.

So yep. Gonna end here.
Byes! *peace*
Thanks for the tags. hehe.