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Enjoy! *peace*
dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at


Heyho humans.
So as usual I'm bored.
Dad just went off to work and I'm free to use the laptop! Wee! ^__^
So yep. Yesterday was cool.
I did blog some of the things that happened.
But after that, I stone in my living room.
Writing Justin Bieber's Stuck in the moment lyrics in a memo.
Wasted lots of papers >,<;

So that day watched 'Kung Fu Hustle' at TransTV.
Missed Studio1(I guessed that is a replacement for Extravaganza)...
The movie was awesome. It ends at 11.30 PM.
I was tired then and went up to bed.
Wrote on my 'one-month-diary' again..
Stopped at 11.41 and did my diary's bookmark.
Hehehe, Super Junior photos =X
So then I tried to sleep but failed.
My sister was doing her stuffs, drawing...
And her legs follows the beat of the song she was listening to..
The light was on, the air-con wasn't helping.
So I eventually dozed off at about 1.30.

Woke up at 5 something..
My sister is still wide awake.
Watching videos on the iPod. I guess it's Hello Baby.
Oh, how I envy her... I want one iPod. Actually, that was my mother's iPod..
Just that she don't use it and my sister just took it, with permission of course.
It's iPod classic 30G (?) [:O]
So then I went to turn off the light cos' I NEED to sleep.

Woke up laughing at 7 in the morning.
Don't know what's so funny about the dream but I laughed so.. weirdly..
Like "kkeeekeee" sound. I guess I'm awaken by my own laughter, not the dream...
So basically I found a doll out of nowhere.
I guess it's spongebob, but it's not spongebob.. You get what I mean? Uhh, idk idk.
So anyways, I was like feeling the surface on it and found a button.
I pressed it and little amount of water came out.. like .. sprayed.
So then I went to a guy, I think it's Super Junior's Kangin (lols!!!!)
and I put the doll infront of his face and pressed the button real hard.
And water just gushed out, out of the doll.. like... WOW. So much water , haha.
Then his face was wet with water.
And I woke up laughing..

So yep. I listened to songs until about 9 I fell asleep again, woke up at 11 o'clock..
Stayed in my bed and listen to songs AGAIN, till about 12.30 my Mum came and woke us up...
So I bath-ed and then wrote on my 'one-month-diary' again...
and Tada! I'm here.

Actually I think I wrote way much more in my one-month-diary. Hehehes.

Omg, my neighbour's dog is making so much noise.
Uhh, actually my neighbour is my primary school friend,
I don't know whether she remembered me... she's a tiny girl, white and chubby.
Heh, she once told me how her dogs had sex. LOLs.
Yeah, her name's Michelle. Ouwh. suddenly miss my primary school friends is Indo.

So yeahhh, I want to watch videos.
CIAOs. *peace*