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dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

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Firstly , I want to say " HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTHER! "
Your Officially 13 now.
Older than me :/
Anyhoo , Thanks for today's treat!
And... also , your hamburger :)!

Love it.

So , today Andrea , Parh , Asstart and me went to CP , AGAIN.
Actually we were suppose to go with Pat and Jake , but they took 83 with Girly to CP.
And we took free bus to near CP.
Girly left early cos' his little brother was at home..

While at PP , we went upstairs to buy Bubble tea , when the person called out who bought it,
I thought it was mine , and took it. When I was waiting for the free bus with them , I realised that mine was different from Parh. I took wrongly!
It's okay though , I paid lesser than I should. Hehehe.

Then the free bus came , when we were going up , the uncle was like eyeing us and said , " Ni bu yao he , ah.. " which means " Don't drink , ah.. " I actually really wanted to , but he was like staring at us the whole time.
And also , Andrea kept on saying , " Hello , Bakuteh hotel , how can I help you? "
well , not in good english accent , but it's something like " Heyloh , Bak-keut-teh Heotel , How Can I Hep You? " and also Andrea kept on singing "Nobody" and the cruel temptation theme song , " When you wash your body wash your hands too! " and " I want nobody , nobody but you! " WHOA. It's really stuck in my head..

So , after we arrived at the stop , we walked to CP and went to Macs and search for Pat and Jake. They weren't there when we arrived. So we went and walk around. Then called Asstart's Mom and ask her to bring Kopitiam's card so that she can treat us food , cos it's her B'day :)
Then she treated us pizza. It was damn.. delicious. And cheap , for that kind of pizza. Gosh , it was so nice..

We were like eating there for 1 hour. And then we all went home. Asstart , Parh and Andrea went home together. Pat alone and Jake and me went to take MRT together , she stop at Kovan , and me , further away..

Uffhh , This is Kiwi Signing off , BUHHBYESS.
P.S Offing early cos' I wanna try to change blog skin , found some beautiful ones.