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Happiest day of... this week?

Wooo!! Today was SO FUN.
At school , Jeremy , Calvin , Pat , Andrea , Jake , well the seated-behind-and-is-probably-going-to-change-place-soon people.
Make super RACIST jokes. Calvin made damn.. well DAMN.. RACIST. Jeremy too , and they call their group RATS
R-> Racist
A-> Associa-
T-> tion
S-> Syndrome (get from nigahiga?)

Once Jeremy asked " Hey , Do you know what Indian people like to buy? "
We were all like "Prata..?" , then Jeremy started saying " No , They buy Rexona! "
Then like half of the class burst into laughter , well not exactly half , but people who heard that joke.
You know why it's funny right?
Well  , don't sue me.. Cos' its not my joke.
And.. Parh!! If you read this , don't nag at school , PLEASE.
You soon become like Asstart when nagging , with all those... hands.. hand gestures!

Right , then at school we learnt about note taking using mind map.
Somehow I find it.. quite interesting. It was somehow , like something important for me.
Of course right? They won't teach us if it's not important , Duh , Kel!
Ugh , I'm abit dumb right now , cos' I slept from like 4.30 PM all the way to 8.30 PM.
Woo , so .. sleepy , still.

Anyways , after school ,
We went to take 83 from PP , with Andrea , Pat and Jake.  On the way Pat stop near her house and left.
Since then that was like .. TOTAL silence.
Ouh , Can't live without Pat... No Pat , No Noise..  <-- LOLS.

Yup so , we went and arrived at CP. Soon went to Macs to eat lunch.
Guess what! I saw my sis! Yah , biological SIS.
Then I got my money back! Woo! Then I ate McWings meal :)
We each went our own way , she with her friends and I with mine ,

Eye-ing each friends , one of them seriously looks like Leon.
She sat beside my sis. Gonna ask Leon tomorrow whether she have a sis.
Just that the girl I saw was chubbier than Leon.

Soon then my sis went to the library with friends , then Jake , Sharra and I went to cold storage and bought snacks for tomorrow.
Lazy , I went and take chocolate bread. Hahaha , Yeah , the whole loaf.
I just hope we could buy something when we were there , to eat.
Guess we'll be damn hungry , and I guess that someone's going to take my food. LOTS of them.

And.. Why am I so .. unlucky? Well , now is currently unlucky , maybe the result's lucky.. :) Hehehe ,
Right , unlucky because I'm grouped with.. LI XUAN! WILSON ONG!! FRAZER!!!

All the , so naughty people. Li Xuan only choose herself the good job.
Yah , photographer for tomorrow's amazing race.
Ugh , actually I wanted to be the photographer so badly.
I've never been able to be one.. except during primary school , and It was a lesson. So everyone gets their own part.

Argh , enough of them. Just , TIFFANY!! ARE YOU COMING!!
Idk!! If you're not there , Wilson will get extra job and Frazer will like laugh at him the whole day.
I don't know whether you should come , cos you can't run .. right? Medical .... whatever it's called.
And ALL of them is fast runner. Li Xuan , first in class , Frazer also you can say quite good. Wilson also..
Sigh , I'm the only lousy one :( Well , pray for me.
My job is tough too.

But I'm quite good at taking notes.
Hahahaha , I volunteer myself  though , after the job I wanted was taken :(

Umm.. It's 9:13 PM.
I wanna to watch Korean shows already.
It had been delayed for like , HOURS.

Click here. It's sixth sense. w/ Suju KangIn , FT Island HongKi and BigBang Daesung!
Eng subbed. :) That's part one. Search for yourself the other parts.

ANd yeah , FINALLY Angel gave me her blog URL which we have been quarelling about for the past .. 3 days? I think.
ANd Got our 6^c2 Blog , Yiling's , Elodia's , Harizah's , Shara's AHH!! more~

Hmm.. Friends! Do you have CALVIN's blog? Eh , wait , do he have blog?
 or.. other people from 6^C2's ....? THANKS!

Right so I'm seriously watching now. Cos' there's 7 parts and I'm not sure what time I will finish watching.
Hope I won the 1st or 2nd price for the race , I wanna MOVIE TICKET! BATTLE BOX!
Good lucks people!

Ciao.  Peace Be With You , *peace*
"AH , ah , only for you  , ah , ah , only for you " Neorago!

Right ,
This has been Kiwi Eli Cutstomach , monitoring this blog , for the past 19 minutes.
Signing off. BOOMS!