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Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

Fort Canning'''' :)

So today was like , the most FUN day of term 1.
We went to Fort Canning Park for an Amazing Race.
It was , wonderful.
Sadly the day didn't start out so good as it was raining.

Yup , early in the morning we got bag check , lucky I didn't bring my Hand phone.
And lucky Marh and Jake , You guys didn't get caught!
Teacher didn't check the pocket right? Lucky You!
And , somehow I feel happy after sabo-ing.
Your fault for saying out loud that you put it there.
Gah. Your fault too for making so much un.. unbearable mistakes.
Thank You MR! :)

Ayways , soon then we went down and take the bus to Fort Canning.
It was still raining then. Took about 30 minutes to arrive.
I was having a headache , turning around everywhere.
Well , I wrote on yesterday's entry that I was unlucky to have them in my group.
Yah , it came true.
Shouldn't have chosen him to be the leader.
Only can control people and like , do absolutely no calculation in the race.
And she too , always grumbling that she's hungry. Just eat , kay! No one object it!

And also most of what I wrote in the entry came true.
After the unlucky thing is that I don't need to run! As it was drizzling and the road was slippery.
And we would be disqualified if we run , too.
Also , the thing that came true.
They ATE lots of my food. I only get to eat 2 pieces. :/
It's okay though. muahahaha , I have no appetite then.

And also , the MOST fun thing that happened was when we were walking to the bus at fort canning park ,
It was drizzling , so I was too lazy to take my umbrella out.
Suddenly rain started to drop , faster , and the size was... bigger.
Actually the feeling was.. somehow nice. So I still didn't take out my umbrella.
Soon it started to rain really heavy , Asstart , beside me , started asking me for an umbrella hurriedly.
Realising the situation , I quickly take out my umbrella and share it with Asstart eventhough we were already mostly drenched.

Funny thing is that , Asstart holds the umbrella , following the direction of where the rain drops.
Wait , I should say the direction of the wind.
And when the rain was coming from the front , She was like covering the front and we couldn't see the road.
Common sense! It is more important to see the road! Than getting drenched!
She kept on insisting that. And we was like fighting with each other , screaming in the rain , using our strength , pushing and pulling to the opposite directions that we wanted.
It was so hilarious. She just wouldn't listen. I shouted so loud till my throat hurts.
FInally went inside the bus , Poor uncle driver , the seat was like sofa , not leather.
And it will absorb the water. Like the whole class was wet from head to toe.
Weirdly , my shorts behind wasn't wet. But the front part was. My bad , shoes , everything. WAS wet.
It was fun though.

After we all seated down , the bus started moving and we too  started eating our super -late- lunch.
Yeah , Asstart brought chips. I brought the loaf of bread. Ya ya ya , they started pleading me for food.
When we arrived at class , I was like already dying from all kinds of needs , thirst , hunger and ... tiredness~!

Soon after we finished writing our reflection for the day , as usual , Andrea , Parh , Asstart and me went to CP.
Well actually , Amelia's Dad pick us up infront of school and drop us at SK's Prime supermarket. Then we started walking towards CP.
Amelia went home. And the rest went to CP. Actually we planned to eat there. But you know , as researched, Blood Type A has the most trouble choosing food to eat. All of us was like thinking what to buy and Asstart was so impatient. Lucky she went to buy ice cream first , or else I think we would stand for like , so long. Ah , while choosing , a guy went and say " Children buy ice-cream... FUCK..."
What the hell?! Then Andrea was like asking me , "what did he say?" I automatically said , "Fuck..?" And Andrea was like " Nabe.. "
P.S Used too much bad words. Inappropriate for you guys. (:P)
Right then once again , Blood type O bought ice cream cone and A's bought Oreo McFlurry. YUM!
After that while walking toward the escalator , a guy said " Fitri..? " And I misheard it as " E3..? " since he said it in a stern voice , I was like scared. And realised he was saying other stuff. Phew. Andrea also thought that he was talking to us.
Also then we walk to Anchorvale , First went to Asstart block , then Andrea's then to Parh's I followed her as she wanted to go to Little India which is somewhere near my house.
When I first come in the house , the babies were like all staring at me.
I don't know what to do. And the first thing her Grandma said was , " Chinese? "
Whoa. I knew it. Like almost all of the other races friend's home that I went to , the elder would say that in other language THAT I understood.
Well , I felt like.. left out. And she like to say people Racist.... DUH.

Anyways , while I was waiting for Parh to change her clothes , her brother suddenly run out of nowhere , NAKED.Lucky I didn't see... covered by the 3 year old girl.
Then the brother was like shouting
" OH MY GOD! " And ran back to a room.

It was... well , weird.
And , to Parh : Hey! The babies are cute! And your sister's pretty! And also , if she asks money from you , try to reject it. Don't always be like that. And , I SUPPORT YOU! Also , Let's vote for Pat for Class Chairman!! ;D

So it had been Blogger Kiwi a.k.a Kelly , Signing off. Peace. Be. With. You.
And , asstart , READ YOUR NEWS PAPER.