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We studied about mind maps for the day , It was interesting.
Now I know different parts of our brains have different functions.
And , the method used in mind maping , Cool.

Well , the $75 was worth it. Get to learn a lot.
And teacher said tomorrow we're meeting a Professor! WOW!
Well , not that professor. Just like a "Dr" specialized in something called accounts.

Right , so after school , went to take shuttle bus to CP with Asstart , Parh and Andrea.
Then stop near CP and walk a long way.

After arriving , Parh bought a popsicle.. wait.. I don't know what it's called , ah , well that whatever ice cream! Funny part is , when I was near the MRT station , infront of 7- ELeven , We were like so bored until we thought of playing rock-paper-scissors.
Well , at first it was kinda embarrassing for 4 people ot stand in a circle , in a so called crowded place playing that game.

So then Parh lead and say " Scissors , paper , stone! " After that Asstart put "stone" , Andrea , Parh and me all put "scissors".
At the same time , Asstart won to us! So rare , Then I started joking around , " Oh! Blood type A , A , A. You O! "
Asstart was blood type O , Andrea , Parh and me was A. It was so , weird! I don't know how to explain the situation but it's like so .. surprising!
I was like all shocked.
Then Parh realised and said " You see , stone = "O" shape , scissors = "V" shape ( upside down = A ) ! "
Then we all started laughing.
Soon , we bid farewell , and then I went home while reading "The Lost Boy" by Dave Pelzer on the MRT.

At night , well , just now , 2 hours ago I think.. My sister and I went to the mall and search for her clothes for sec 2 overseas trip.
I don't understand why she likes clothes that I don't like , and then keep on asking for suggestions that she herself won't agree on whenever I tell her. Aish , what to do... Well , currently it's 9:20 PM.
Gotta go sleep soon. Good Night , and , BYE~!

Loveess Kiwi , Kays? :))