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silence breaker.

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"Uncle Kiwi! "...

So , Today WE didn't run 3 rounds the school! Thanks to the haze :)
I was like , worried cos' I didn't eat my breakfast and when the teacher say that , I was like... Hallelujah!
Anyways , during iLIVE lesson, we learnt about  cyber bullying.
And I got article 4 , about a 13 years old girl , named Megan or something , I can't remember, she was an ex- friend of the Drew family's daughter.

One of the Drew family member went and make a Myspace account and pretend to be "Josh".
He/she get closer and closer with Megan until one comment that made her commit suicide.
If not wrong he/she wrote " I imagine that you hang yourself and die , " ? Idk.
And the next day she really did. 3 weeks before her 14th birthday.
It's so sad.
Anyways , went to CP today , took the bus and walk a long way there with Pat and Sam.
They went to 7- Eleven and bought drinks.. Me , I bought mentos for my candy machine. :)
It was fun.

And today at school , A new member in cutstomach family!
Dion Cutstomach! If to edit her name , I'll say she'll be Dion Deer Cutstomach, Harharhar. JK~
So.. my so called family members at school always call me either
"Kiwi" or "Uncle Kiwi".
Then after class end , my niece "Andrea" went and say
" Bye , Uncle Kiwi!" And my form teacher was like " What? Who is uncle.. Kiwi? " Lols. It was hilarious. I didn't dare to turn around and face him. Muaahahahas.

Yup , so that's all for today... I think.

Ahh... Lastly , @Pat
I guess you'll probably read my blog , I just want to say , " Stop slashing! It's not fun! "
Ugh , just thinking about it makes my hair stand...

Soo... Buhh Byes~