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Test Test Test ! Gone CRAZY

Finally gotten back my-full-of-hard-work exam paper. I got lesser than my expectation :( Only my maths satisfy me. Well , not really satisfy , cos Par got higher than me! Par got 22/25 for maths even though she always didn't do her homework. It's so weird! She got highest in class! And her english is second in class , she got 24/30!! And her science , is like top 5 in class she got 27.5/35 WTH. Just left with literature , hope I'll win in this test. BEGS!
Yup so , My English , I got 20/30. My Science 24.5/35. Maths 19/25. Geography 14/25. Dang. I should have done better.. But I have no idea , WHY.
Huhuhu , so sad.
Well ,  at least the whole "family" do quite well for their exams :)
SlitWrist , SlitThroat , Cutstomach , Fighting! 

And also , during lesson suddenly my voice cracks.
I got sore throat... :(
I kept on laughing on my own laughter LAWLS. It's way too funny.

Woo , I got problems... parents still not back here. And I need to sign like so many things. SO sad.
And also , my EZ-Link card ... picture... SO damn ugly... SO... Embarrassing.
Argh , anyways , last night , quarelled with my sis. She wouldn't listen to what I said. Then why ask for suggestion!
Yah , cause of that I slept like even before nine PM. And missed my Just for laugh Asia >:(
Ugh , and I'm starving right now. Gotta go cook something.

Peace , and.. I'm not giving you ma food!