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Too Elated to be true :)

Just gotten back my literture paper. I only got 14/30.
FAILED. So frustrating. Highest , Jeremy 22/30.
Don't know how did he get that "high".
Ah , anyways , I'm soo jealous with Jake!!! She got 20/30!!!
First in the "family".. She must be glad... Anyways , Congrats!

Yah , Asstart get 19/30!! For the first time!! lols. Higher than me.
Grats. Grats. Grats. To who passed. Marh , don't be sad. Try harder! 13/30 isn't that bad..
Parh , 15/30. Andrea , 17/30. The rest , well , IDK. But all of the others passed the test I think.

Yup , and I'm hoping and praying that next term they really do change the chairman.
He himself also sign the "contract". Just hope he would shut his mouth.
Teacher's pissed enough to kick him out of class.
Today somehow I was happy when form teacher , Mr.Keh , ask the class who is against to change-the-chairman thingy.
Guess what? No one put up their hands!! Everyone wants him to not be one.
After that Mr.Keh ask the class for reasons. Everyone was like shouting out their opinions. All I could hear was buzzing sounds.
Mr. Keh stop the class for a while and then call person who want to answer one by one.
Marh shouted " He can't be trusted! "
Mr. Keh then was like... " What? What do you mean by he can't be trusted "Parh was supporting Marh and shouted , " He said what he is not supposed to say to other people! "
And people who knew the story that happened was like " Yes!!! So True!!! "
So lots more of the reasons. Some say " He is not responsible enough. ", " He is bossy. " , "He like to ask people to do things." , "Everyday after recess he is the one who walks slowly to class with the keys while everyone is waiting outside the class for him. ".I would like to thank those who supported the vote.

Yep , so I think I'm gonna get a BIG scold on Term 2 when we get our maths file back... I didn't put the content page in order! I was suppose to put the yellow one on top , but I put the green one and just hand it in.... Dang. I'm thinking of what I should say... I hope putting the green one first is right... Begs..~!!And also , Mum's back!! Yay!! Finally!! Finally , she can sign all of the forms and exam papers.She haven't seen it yet though , hope she's not mad... I failed my Literature... :(

Gosh , I don't know why I suddenly want to sing eventhough I have a sore throat and lost my voice , well it's currently getting better. No more cough. Yesterday was worse , It always broke when I speak. Harharhars.

And... Why do people like Justin Bieber!! Even my brother now is listening to his songs!!*** Justin Bieber fans don't kill me. I'm not an anti- fan though. Just thinking why do people LOVE him so much.
I'm the kind that don't really like a person which lots of people like , cos' I feel that they have more than enough love already.

:/ Well , probably he doesn't even want me to be his fan. And , what if his voice broke one day? How does it sound.. And also , he's only 16 this year and sing all kinds of love song. DUDE! Think! Anyways , Good Luck JB.
And Marh/ Pat is a seriously BIG fan of JB! Marh/ Shah and Kiwi/Me doesn't agree... So don't be sad. Hahahaha you have LOTS of fans out there... You can't even imagine how much. ( Oops , why am I suddenly typing like I'm talking to JB. Lols. He won't even read my blog. Hahaha. Relax , I like his songs. Down to Earth and One Time :] )

Uhh.. Now I find English songs quite nice huh.. Was listening to English songs in my brother's playlist.

He has a good taste of music. Hahahaaha.
Fallin' For You - Colbie Calliat ( First time hearing , It's NICE!! )
Beautiful - Akon
Love Drunk - Boys Like Girls
I told You so - Boys Like Girls
Tik Tok- Kesha

Can't believe my brother has the same taste as Pat! Woo! Pat must be amazed LAWLS.
Yup so... "let's crawl , crawl , crawl... back into love~ (Yeah) --- "

P.S I'm way too elated today. So , Don't mind.

Kiwi <33