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Note peeps, this is my blog and I post stuffs that I want.
Relax, I don't post bad stuffs. *laughs*
Well, if you want me to remove anything, go ahead and tell me.

Enjoy! *peace*
dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

(: Continuous 2

Aiyahh nonsense from Frazer everyday.
What are you up to huh?! Don't be so immature can you?
Just stop your posting on FB that hurts people kay'.
Gah. Actually wished to type out ' STFU Frazer. ' on FB last night.
But thought that it would be useless and he would be like thinking that I'm bad or something.
N Atiqah and Wilson O. did nothing wrong, why must you be like that...
N Atiqah's CCA is much more important than yours! wth.
At least her CCA helps the nation, if yours, only good for the body.. 
Aiyyer. So many people is sad.
Made Sharra quite sad today.

Oh yeah, suddenly reminds me of the incident that happened when I was eating at KFC.
So i was waiting for Sharra, she said she went to but barley water and then came down from NTUC with 3 bottles of water and a bunch of kangkong.
While waiting, a greendale student were sitting infront of our table, then he was like feeling hot.
So he was sitting down and turning the fan to his direction.
While turning , suddenly the fan broke into half.
lols. So hilarious. Weirdly he fixed it in a second.
His other friend was like laughing at him , it was so contagious that I feel like laughing out loud.
So then Sharra came and we chatted for awhile until one worker there moves the fan and the upper half of the fan dropped and was broken into parts. That one was scary..

So yeah, I was like super sleepy, that I didn't really answer her questions.
Aiyah, super tired, don't feel like blogging.
Added songs in my playlist, Acapellas (:
DBSK and SS501. Ouwh, they rocks. to the core.^^!
And yeah did Banhong's blog today, love the playlist(:
Chose the nice colour for him Hahaha.
Thank you? You're welcome. Hahahahaa.
OMG I'm being so random again.
Kay I want to off my lappy already.
Peace out(:

Eeeee. Shah's mom smsed me~
Asking whether she is with me or not...
Should I reply?
But it's like almost 3 hours late >.<;