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silence breaker.

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58% Happy~!(:

Yep. Today was awesome, and not. 
Finished school at 11 AM. *Woot~!* Teacher rawks. (:

Yeah, MT period was quite fun, read ' Chicken soup for teenage soul '.
So damn funny. The author was like writing about her relationship.
Her dating, first kiss and stuffs. Her name is Mary Jane(FYI).
Hahaha. She was like shy at that time, then she wanted to kiss her bf but didn't dare to.
One day her bf attempted to but she was like hiding from it even though she wanted it.
Then she was like asking the bf whether he was going to kiss her or not.
So she puckered her lips (as written^^ )
and smiled.
She didn't feel anything.
Actually her bf was kissing her teeth~! (lols!!!)
She somehow eventually separated(with him).
After a few years or so, she gain her confidence and found him at a pub.
Then she collect her courage and kissed him.
Hahahaa, funny part.
The ex-bf pointed at the woman beside him and said, 
' Mary Jane, this is my wife. '
LAWLS. Actually there were somemore funny ones but I can't remember,

Anyhoo, math lesson was damn boring, 
didn't bring my specs then Esther was like shouting, ' Cher'! Kelly blind! '
Teacher realised that I did not wear my spectacles and offer me to sit infront.
I rejected, cos' I love my seat(:
BH , Esther and other people.
So then we did the algebra thingy again.
OMG, it was like super hard but I managed to get it.
I was like became clever without my specs.
Hahaha, (must do exam without specs!!) I think I know why lerr.
Cos' I was worrying and thinking alot about what if I wrote the stuffs wrong, what if I got it wrong and stuffs.
Then I was a little bit more awaken that usual.

Yeap. Found my specs. It was found inside my red-boxie-cloth-i-don't-know-called-what-bag.
I dug out like almost everything (which was mostly papers, yeah. receipts!)
Finally I can see clearly(:

Oh oh, and yeah.
Good thing today, got back my science test paper.
God. I didn't know I could be 2nd. (:
Highest Willson Lim, 21/25
And YOU people, who didn't get A1.
why why why why why.
We owe teacher like 50 push ups. (wait, is it 15? I didn't hear correctly)
MY chocolaattteee~~!!! >:(/

Yeah, I went home with that result and at last still got a little and happier nagging.
' You need to maintain this grade, if you don't , people below you will catch up, and then you go down..' bla bla bla.
I'm still happy while listening to the nags though, oh wait, I shouldn't call it nags. Cos' it's LOVE~ (:

Oh yeah, I started becoming random again~~!
Ah, talking about being random, hasn't been hanging out/ talk to Shah.
Eyh, sorry lerh. I need to use the pants. Can't lend it to you. I told you the reason.
I have not changed, yet. >.<;

So yeah, that's probably it for today.
Peace out peeps! (:
You RAWK. (If you think so(: )