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^^ 15-4-2010

So yeah~ suddenly feel like blogging good stuffs that happened to me today.
Feel kinda guilty of something I don't even know.
Nathan didn't get canning today.
Soon , I think.
Somehow this time round, I felt like.. sort of disappointed.
Feel so.. dumb. Idk. But still, anticipating. (:
I know right, I'm sadistic towards him.
Even during NAPHA run today I was angry when I saw him and ran as fast as I could.

Anyhoo, cheer up people who is sad!
Banhong especially.
Ugh, it's been hard on you.
On teachers as well, Mrs.Franklin and Mr.Keh and Ms.Tng.
cleanliness, truants.. ahh. I'm so fed up.
Just stop all the nonsense.
Woo~ What if.. the world is in peace.... total peace...
probably there'll be no fun.
No job for the police.
Wow. Wonderful.

So yeah, funny stuff again.
A quite lame reason but true,
I didn't change to my uniform after PE cos'..
I did brought my uniform, but I didn't bring my skirt along(:

Yeah, actually during MT(mother tongue FYI) lesson,
Mr.Keh brought a class to the library.
Then he asked a guy who was wearing PE attire, ' Why are you still in PE? '
The guy answered back, ' I brought my pants but I didn't bring my shirt. '
Mr.Keh was like.. ' ohkay...... '

Hahaha. Then I started laughing(:
Anyhoo, so paiseh after we said that we were prepared for geography test
then Mrs.Franklin said, ' Why are you reading on rivers? You are tested on volcanoes only. '

Yeah, it's 9:47 PM.
I'm super sleepy , haven't finish doing my EL hw.
And math. Math gonna do it tmr. in school. during MT lesson.
EL, no EL tmr. Yeah. SO SIAN LOH. Stew-pit.
Currently chatting with my cousin, Siska(:
Yeah, missed my family in Indo.

So peace out again peeps. You rawks!
Omo God, I'm so random~ soh ramdom lika dat~
soh xian , soh zi xian. soh sian. soh zi sian. so sian. (:

Smillyyy human beings on Earth.
Aren't you glad that I am telling you this?
Omg, I told you, I'm superb random.
Yeah! I'm really, seriously, random(:

Can't wait for tomorrow~~~~!!!
School finish at 11 am. WOOTS!
Add oil Hounours' day performers!!
add oil= jia you ( omg, I'm so racist and random, oh wait, isn't that a good thing? (: )