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Horror movie & today(:

Today was so AWESOME~!
First period Mrs.Franklin was not around.
Then a relief teacher came and let us watch a horror movie.
It's called, ' Shutter 2004 '.
Seriously I don't know how to explain but I think the class was like exaggerating the whole time XD
Everytime a scary scene  pops out, they will like scream their lungs out.
I have no idea whether it was real fear or what..
Dionne sitting beside me was like super scared.
Hugging my hand all the time. Covering her eyes at the same time. 
(She only watch the part which she thinks is 'safe'.)
Then when a scary part came out and other people were like screaming,
since she didn't watch the part, she was like, 'what!? what happened?!'
Then when I told her what happened in the movie she was like shouting alone >.<;

Anyhoo, I wished to watch the movie again!!
I was like sitting, imagining what will happen..
Cracking jokes( which wasn't my intention, )
Like scaring Dionne, Heh, it was fun man!
Admit it. You did that to her too right?
Aiyyer, she also had so much fun scaring other girls.

So some scary scene to share which stayed in my head even until now.
Warning to people who don't want to remember it...
Don't need to read kays'
I'll help you highlight it(colour it i mean..)
So that you sort of can skip to the next part(:
I'll help you smaller the font abit eyyhh. >.<;

The car accident which happened.
Was real shocking. MAN!
The man was like staring at the woman named Jane with a sort of pervertic stare.
She sort of lost concentration in driving and hit a woman.
She really did fly , real far.
Since then they were sort of haunted by the woman's spirit.
The man (if not wrong named Tunn or something..) was a photographer.
The woman , Jane is his assistant I guess.
And is also Tunn's girlfriend.

So since the incident, both of them had like these weird dreams.
Can't sleep in peace like that.
So then one day Jane had her graduation.
Tunn helped her to take pictures for memories.
(As usual in ghost movies..) Tunn was aiming for a better angle,
then he suddenly saw a ghost's face at the camera he was holding.

He thought he was imagining stuffs, so he was like shrugged it off his memory and continue taking pictures.
A few days later he went to a shop and wash the picture,
when he took it, the picture wasn't clear.
Like have white shadow, on a particular place in the photo.
Well, (OMGosh, I'm getting shivers >.<;!!!)
So then she somehow went to the science department building and took pictures of the places.
Several areas to search for the ghost i guess.
Then she took a picture.
And another...
Until one picture, she shook the i-don't-know-called-what-paper and it dropped on the floor.
And when she picked it up, the ghost was just like beside the shelves she was standing at..

Then both of them had weird , creepy dreams..
Jane was at home that day, calling for Tunn.
Since he used to be in the photography room,
she went to call for him outside the door.
While calling half way the door knob was like shaking wildly.
She was feeling scared.
And weirdly approached the door.
Opened the door , checking the room suspiciously.
Inside, the tap water was still running, the photos taken were wet.
She was hesitating until she decided to turn off the running water.
Suddenly strains of hair was coming out from the basin.
She was looking real scared.
Then a hand came out from the basin.
Soon then half of the ghost's head showed up.
Really~~~~~~~~ SCARY!!
Then she woke up from her dream.

Tunn was at home checking out his collections of photographs.
Suddenly someone went inside the room and thinking that Jane was asking him to pick up the phone which was ringing.
He went outside and took the phone call, 'It's Jane. I'll be home late.... '
He was so shocked that he dropped the phone.
From afar you can see that the woman in the room has long hair,
and is definitely not Jane.
Then Tunn went to a place,
Idk where but lots of chair was placed there.
Like a hall or something.
Then a woman was sitting somewhere among the chairs.
He was sure that it was Jane..
When he was like close enough to her,
The woman's book that she was holding suddenly has drops of blood on it.
She slowly turns her head.
Vomiting out her guts, her teeth, lots more.
He was shocked. And wakes up from dream.

They were curious about the spirit haunting them.
They searched for the previous graduating books(i think)
and found out more about the woman.
She was actually Tunn's ex-girlfriend.
So then Jane and him went to the woman's house.
They went up the stairs.
Found her room.
A body lying at the bed.
The guy turned the body around.
It was actually the woman's left body.
The mother of her didn't want to crimi... something something her.
It was corpse~~!! Really, seriously.. omigosh idk how to say..........

So yep then, after all those long long scary , shocking stuffs.
The guy's (Tunn) neck was like aching all over.
He went to the doctor.
He was sorta skinny but when he measuer his weight, it was over 120 kg.
He got his check up,  the doctor said he was fine.
The pain get worst.
His close friends commited suicide and stuffs.
He can't bear it.
He went to take picture almost at every are wisible, wanting to find the ghost.
He took real lots, he was fed up.
He bash his camera on the floor,
the camera flashed itself.
he went and took the camera.
took the i-don't-know-call-what-paper(photo) and guess what..
that's why he must  have weigh like over 120 kg.
After seeing the picture, lot of classmates were like screaming,
then I didn't really concentrate.
He fell down from the building.
Weirdly, still alive.

The ending was sort of weird, the Jane was like super sad when looking at him.
Through the reflection of the door the woman was still sitting on him.
I guess it'll stay like forever.

-the end-

So yep, story ends.
I regretted writing it here >.<;!
Suddenly feeling scared.
Well, not really now i guess.

So fun stuffs,
Ms.Beh was also absent.
NO MATH! Yay! but uhh, did math test.
I can only do the first and last question.
idk the rest.
I want to go for remedial and ask her to re-teach me,

Anyhoo, today's SYF rehearsal was fun.
I didn't really think SYF was such a big deal,
but it eventually is one.
So.. idk whether I should continue, but I want to~

Uhh~~ so yep. It's like 10:12 PM.
I was supposed to be sleeping now.
But whatever.

Knock OUT!'s preview is fun. Hehehe.
As always, the big guy, 
he was like singing the opera's like, ' Kopi O, Kopi O, O, O, Ohhh~ PENG. '
Then the Jermaine, her role was like singing a sort of confession song to her partner.
The she was like saying, ' I don't love you. '
And her partner was like , ' Yah, I know.. '
Eeeeeeee~ FUN! Can't wait.
Forgot what time it starts..
Well, when. Most important eyhs. Heheh.

So, did NAPHA 5 stations.
I passed everything uhs.
Lucky,,, sit & reach 45 cm.
Standing BJ 134 cm.
Pull Up 8 times.
Shuttle run 12.05 seconds.
Sit Ups 26 times.

Well, total like 14 points,
Please please please, Thursday's run~
Hope I get like at least a D...
so I could get like silver.

Ohkay, so enough of today?
Probably will write about today more tomorrow,
Cos' I bet this one is already long enough >.<;

Kelly! Loves! KHC!(: