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silence breaker.

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Awesome and not.

Today was like so awesome!
Just the fact that so many people are sick...
Banhong had fever this morning.
Patricia, Shamira had high fever, MC for like 3 days?
Dexter , Magdalene , Tiffany , Amelia were also unwell.
Gosh. Get well soon people(:

And also, Idk how to explain but Geog lesson was surprisingly fun, except the fact that Fauzi is making me pissed off day by day.
Just listen will you(William(:) ?
And yeah, D&T we learnt alot of new stuffs.
OMG~ Tomorrow's the test.
I'm so scared. I don't want to fail my D&T!

English lesson was the most fun out of all I guess.
We were like writing for our future selves, 10 years later like that.
I wrote like 1 whole page.
I'll post what I wrote later, don't worry. Hahas.

Math lesson was photo taking session.
It was fun~ (:
For the fun pose, I did my signature pose , Harharhar.
It was like super aws~!

Anyhoo, after photo taking and stuffs, classmates went to change into PE attire and rush to take their NAPHA.
I did not , cos' I have SYF rehearsal.
It rocks(:

Sad that BanHong can't attend, he should have uhhs.
We did like 4 dance steps.
Kinda hard, and easy at the same time.
Love the instructors. (:
Pat will surely say that the guy is cute and the female's pretty.
Love the female instructor's contact lens(:

So yeah, went back home like 6:05 or so.
Arrived home just like half an hour ago.

Funny stuffs,  you know we had like toilet break during the SYF rehearsal.
We need to have a partner to go right, 
Then this one guy was like going out without partner and the male instructor was like asking him why.
His friend beside him was like pulling him and said, ' Cher' He got period. Need to change. '
LOLS. Whattheheck right! He's a MALE. It was just so hilarious.

Yep. Didn't take my Geog test results.
God. Highest is like 15/20 only.
And lowest is stupidly 2/20.
ARE YOU MAD?! I guess it's Nat or something. idk.
I wish I didn't fail.... ):

So peace out(:
Will write about my future letter later.

***Get well soon my dear friends, 
It feels lonely without you people... Tomorrow's D&T test.
I wish I could also have fever or something, I seriously don't feel like coming to school, rather staying at home, lying in bed, hearing songs, put an ice pack on top of my head and relax. Ugh. I know. Good for you people. But if I'm like sick, I'm like getting another nag.
Wish you people will come tomorrow or something uhs. I'm not coming to school on Thursday, I need to go immigration thingy.
Yeah. GET WELL SOON! Banhong, Patricia, & Shamira!! <3!