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Future letter, 10 years from now(:

As promised. Here's my future letter;

Dear future Kelly (10 years later,)

This is 13 years old Kelly writing. How is life going on? Is Mom and Dad alright? They will be 53~55 years old.
Hope they are still fit and healthy. Still have not said ' I love you. ' to them yet?
Can't collect your guts to say it? Unsure of how they will react? (You're still the same as I am now, in 2010.)
Anyways, Are you now studying in University? Or are you in Indonesia, still living with your parents , working for Dad?
If you are studying in University, please, please, please don't ever slack in whatever you do!
For the sake of future Kelly, please, please, please. Well, most importantly, take care of your body!
I wonder if you already had a boyfriend. I know, I know, I'm also curious about that.
If you already have one, how does he looks like? Is he smart? Your ideal type? *beams*
Hahaha! (I wish!) If you did, take good care of him, never ever ask him to treat or buy you stuffs! (especially expensive ones!) Remember, always leave good impressions to others ^__^ *peace sign*!
I hope you're not treating other like what you did to someone you have before... Are you still friends with your secondary school friends? Or maybe even Primary school friends?
Do you still remember your old best friends?
Angel Wong? How Yiling? Calvin? BanHong? Esther? Patricia? Shamira? Dionne?
Others? I wish you did.(:
Oh ya! Did you get a dog already? If not, please save up money and buy one! Or... did you change your mind? (TT____TT) At least have a hamster.. or a fish?
Please be good! Be yourself, think of others too.
Remember , NO DRUGS! NO SMOKE! Oh! that reminds me, your partner must not do that stuffs also okay'?
So I might sound childish or whatever , I don't know how you will look like when you're 23.
Just hope that you have your Mom's nose instead of Dad's currently having none of their noses(:
Hope it'll develop well, hahaha.
Oh anyways, how are your relationships with your brother and sister?
Good? I hope so, is your sister still as fierce as ever? Wish she changed uh. Brother, nothing to say really.
I just want him to be better person(:
So, Take Care!(:
Treasure each moments!

Lots of Love,
Kelly Setiawan Tai 

{Assignment form Ms.Sheena, Greendale Secondary School}

***It isn't exactly the same, but I did write sort of the same stuffs.
Just that I did not write as much as I want as I have no space to write on my worksheet! ***