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awesome-mess day! memories(:

God, today was like the AWESOME-MESS DAY EVER!
Yeah, school was okay.
English I got to stand up cos' I didn't hand in my english compo...
Well, luckily I did long time ago.

So yeah, then Math lesson we learnt about this weird term, Tn thingy thingy..
I was like not listening halfway cos' I was damn sleepy.
And yeah! During science lesson, I was like speaking F language like mad.
Magdalene, Zhi Long, Calvin and Banhong don't get it and try to. >.<;
It's fun tho.

Geography lesson was okay.
Literature, Mr.Keh was like telling us to revise this and that..
And he was like saying how disappointed he was in the movie ip man 2.
Well, the first one was cool.
The fast hand movement.
Donny Yao or Yan or something, the lead actor.
Did all kinds of stunts(i guess)
It's like uber cool. I don't know whether its nicer than ip man 2....
But I'm curious about the story.
I thought he was dead,,, cos' he got shot in the shoulder by this stupid guy.

So right after the bell rang,
Fatin , Shamira, Patricia, Banhong and Me was like running to PP.
Then quickly change to our home clothes.

We then took 83 to Pat's house.
Then we were like watching a movie called, 'The vanished' or something.
They said it was NC 16.
It it wasn't even scary >.<;
Maybe it's because its released in 2004...

Well yeah, we joked around like mad.
When the movie finished,
This happens >.<;;;

Yeah you watched it(:
If you can't, I'll be posting it on facebook.

So then we were like eating popcorn and whatsoever.

Then we decided to play Truth or Dare(:

Another one, Patricia's part(:

So then after playing truth or dare,
Since Shamira , Hafiz and Fatin can't eat the marshmellow cos' it's not hallal...
they didn't play; here it is!!

Anyhoo, funnest and funniest and bestest part of all.

Hahaha, so funny right?
Lady Gaga to be BH's girlfriend(:

Pat's uploading the others.
Either go check her blog, or her facebook!!
It was damn fun today!

So here! Another parody fail!!

Wee, I guess that's all?

So yeah,
