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Note peeps, this is my blog and I post stuffs that I want.
Relax, I don't post bad stuffs. *laughs*
Well, if you want me to remove anything, go ahead and tell me.

Enjoy! *peace*
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woo woo part 1?(:

Wee~ Finished all my exams already(: *yay!*
Did literature today,
It was weird. Sort of regretted not reading Alice in wonderland book (lols)
Cos' I totally got stuck there.
Why not like give the story of Jack and the beanstalk? >.<;

So yep. Today after school went to PP and ate KFC there.
Ate with Pat and Shah.

Then went home.
Nothing happened much though.

You know I won't just end here right?
So yeah. Actually it's better for you not to read.

> <; Cos I'm frustrated since in school.
I know the person might be reading this now but yeah.
it's just so stupid kay. What's wrong with me ******* stuffs in ** ****!!!
you even freaking ask me to *** * ***!
It's ** **** right?! WTH kay'. Can't you like think of how I feel?!
If I said that to you you will feel bad also right?
That's what I call 'critisizing'! I have a feeling that you don't like me anymore.
I know, ya, whatever. You'll say you don't care bla bla bla.
You always be like *ahem!* *****s! *******s! ***s! Oh ya whatever.
LOOK AT YOURSELF! you even ****** yourself! Say what! "******** ********"?!
whatever whatever whatever. I don't care if you don't like me and stuff.
You said *** **** ***** ** ****** ****** . ARGH.
But no matter what I somehow, weirdly, will think that ***'** * **** ***** ** **.
Hope you'll be better. HAVE A NICE LIFE *****.

NOTE: The *** doesn't mean bad words. 

Kay' I'm still frustrated about it. >.<; 
It's better cos' I'm able to like, write it down here.
This is my blog. I post stuffs that I want here.
Not happy? Don't need to look. I didn't ask you to.

So yep. I want to do other stuffs eh.
Probably will be posting lots of notes from facebook.
hahaha, yah I'm bored.
Ask me get a life? Get a life on your own first ,human.

PEACE out/in whatever you want^^

KELLY ~~~(:

Oh ya btw, a number I remembered.
A guy inside the MRT said it. I seriously memorised it so much till I remember it even right now.
Might be wrong eh, 

kekekeke. Ah, I feel weird :S