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Another Testiee~

1. Imagine a day without your handphone, computer, television or even your house phone. What will you do?
Listen to songs on iPod. Derh.

2. Do you know what does RSVP really stands for?
Respect Self Very Important (?)

3. Who/what do you think is scarier, a ghost or an insect/bug?
Somehow both scares me almost the same.

4. Why do you think millipedes are called so even though they don’t have 1000 legs?
Cos' it's legs is in mm? Cos' there's centipede right? centimeters blah blah. >.<;

5. What do you think is the most important takeaway after watching 2012?
Heh, didn't watch it. Umm, take away? MacDonalds'? *yum*

6. How do you think is super glue put in bottles since it is so sticky?
Machine DUH!

7. Eat to live or live to eat?
Both (:

8. What happens if one day, you go online to find out that facebook has just closed down?
I don't know. Move to Myspace or something trender? Kekeke.

9. Why is there a light in the fridge but not in the freezer?
Oh that's a nice one >.<; I guess they don't want the stuffs in the freezer to melt.

10. Why are windows on planes round at the edges but square for normal ones?
Err.. I'm not the designer. And it looks nicer that way. Cos' planes are curved.(:

11. Given a choice, would you rather be a guy or a girl?
Hmm, i don't know.

12. Do you like getting teased?

13. Do you believe in the best or worst of people?
Both. Depending on moods. Trying to believe in the best of people.

14. Define friends.
Better than nothing(:

15. Ever done something wrong but couldn’t be bothered with the consequences?
Err, can't remember.

16. Feel special or otherwise?
When I was in primary school >.<; lools.

17. If you had a drop of Felix Felicis (Potion that makes you lucky), how do you think your day would be like?
Lucky luhhs. Abuden?

18. What do you think is the worst ordeal a person can go through?
Uhh, torture..?

19. Your idea of paradise?

20. What would you do if you found 50 dollars along the street?
*looks around* , *pretend to drop some stuff* , *take the money* and, *RUN!* well, I guess I don't bother to pick it up cos' I guess I'll be "haunted" by my guilt.

21. What are your MUST bring when you get out of the house?
Wallet. My clothes and self.

22. Do you always mean what you say or is that subjected to the person you promised to or is it based on your own judgment?
I'll try to mean it.

23. Would you rather be blissfully ignorant or indulge upon the painful truth?

24. If an average person truly loves you, and you know it, will you return the love back? (Depends is not an answer)
Gahhahaha. I guess I will ? Hey, it really depends! Well, maybe I won't, just treat them like a good-er friend.

25. Do you think that the guy should always confess to the girl he likes and not the other way round?
Hey, that's right but at the right time.(:

26. Describe love in one sentence.
Love. (: TEEHEE.

27. What is the most you think you can do for the person you love?
Love themmmmm....? No luhs, idk. I don't want to know yet.

27. Is there anything more important than love?

28. Is sincerity alone enough to move you?
Uh. Idk.

29. Do you think in a relationship, there are rights/wrongs and rules/commitment?

30. Are there second chances in love?
Not really, it depends i guess.

Choose an option and state why:
1. Wait for people or let people wait for you?
Wait for people; cuz, its how i roll? lol.

2. Coffee or tea?
Coffee~ It just tastes nice(:

3. Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi~ It has less soda/gas kekeke.

4. Happy marriage but living in poverty or successful career but a broken marriage?
Happy marriage but living in poverty. Well, try to be richer luhs.

5. Lousy laptop or powerful computer?
Powerful computtterr ;P

6. English or mother tongue?
English. I don't like chinese > <;

7. Post notes or read notes?

8. Talk to someone you really want to talk to or wait for them to talk to you first?
Wait for them to talk first. Cos' usually if I talk first, it'll be so awkward. Especially when they just give short answers.

9. Consistent or last minute?
Err, better to be consistent but currently I'm more to last minute.

10. End school early or start school late?
End school early durh!

11. Would you rather tell a painful truth or a white lie?
A painful truth...): *Ahh, Appa Yo~*

12. Freeze to death or be burn to death?
Freeze to death. Cos' It feel numb(?)

13. Eat at home or eat out?
Nice one. Buy food from outside but eat at home(: