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Woo. Did Science MYE today.
It wasn't as hard.
Just feel lucky that I learnt the rate , speed, time, methods.
Counted and estimated that I will (probably) get 54/80.
And if like, converted to percentage.. it's about 67% something like that. (Can't remember.)

Anyhoo, didn't blog yesterday cos' I was bored. And has nothing to talk about.
Pat changed her blog URL, I wasn't invited...):
So I was even more bored.
Yeah, tomorrow's math exam.
I'm super duper scared and nervous, but... I just can't help  not studying for it.
Argh! Can I just be like... Ms.Sheena?
Get bad marks for Math for like awhile, then later catch up again..?
I know its tough. Cos' I'm just not in the mood to study (definitely!)
I'm lack at chapter 5 and 6...
And, probably chapter 11.
Well, to think about it, it isn't much..
But those chapters is like, where we will mostly be tested.
Ugh, they say the paper 2 will be hard.
Cos' the paper 1 is easy.
For me, the paper one is like... so-so.
If I aim to get like something over fifty for paper two..
I'm sure aiming for like.. just pass.
Ugh, I sucked at math.
Especially algebra.
In primary school, I didn't even bother to do corrections for algebra.
And yeah, math results... C...):

Nevermind, I'm just gonna study for math later.
Maybe at like.. 8?
Or.. maybe I'll postpone it to like 9 XD
Uh. I feel so lazy. Need to fix my habit but I don't feel like it.

Well, i guess I will be sleeping at like 11 today.
or.. 11.30?
Cos' When i arrived home, I slept from 11.45 to 4 pm.
Woo. It was refreshing though.(:

Yeah, let's just talk about school today^^
Woke up late in the morning, cos' I set the alarm for the usual Mondays.
Woke up at like 5.46 >.<;
Then quickly bath-ed.
Finished in like 13 minutes or so.
Went to pack my bag.
Search and search, couldn't find my calculator...
Lent my sis's. Then after that realised that it was raining, couldn't find the umbrella.
So yyeahh, was late for over 15 minutes.
Well, luckily I wasn't late for school.
Arrived at like... 7.10
Uh, then I suddenly realise that I brought 2 calculators.
=____________= Mine was 'originally' inside already DUH.

So after exam, went to KFC and ate breakfast (porridge meal^^)
Went home with Sharra, Banhong, Amelia , Frazer, Dexter, Wilson O, Bryan(or Brian),
The rest went to CP, I stayed at the train with Sharra.

Argh, it's so stupid.
Sharra is like, acting vain(innocent I meant, it's right, isn't it?) asking me why Shamira hate her.
WTH. And then I was like asking her back why she tell Fatin, Faith, Dionne, Me, about Shamira like critisize her and stuffs.
Then she's like demanding that she didn't tell Dionne.
What's the big deal? It's over. She just keep saying that she don't hate Shah and Shah hates her.
If Shah only answer you 'I don't know' for questions you don't know, why like.. dislike her?
You don't even know the answer right?! babo..
Ugh enough of her. Just wish they'll get better.
I know I know, YOU shah, will not agree and stuffs.
I don't want to care anymore ugh. Well, maybe I will, inside >.<;

IWTDMS (I want to do my stuffs)

~ DJ, Put it back on!~ Tiffany SNSD(:

MBLAQ's album, NICE~!