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yesterday and today(: MYE, not another teenage movie.

Woo. So yeah, I didn't blog yesterday cos' I was too lazy to do so.
Thursday was.... boring I guess.
We got lots of homeworks.
And on Thursday, I was like wanting to go home so badly.
I don't even remember what happened yesterday.
Oh. I know!
The Nathan's lame joke about a guy named Oi. Aiyo. and A PIAK.
He was like asking how that 3 people rob and escape from the bank..
Its like so stupid.
This guy at the bus stop missed the bus and shouted 'OI!'
Then this guy like depressed and jump down from the building, so he will shout 'AAaaa~! ' and when he fell, ' PIAK! '
So yeah, that's all I remember.
After school Ongline, Fatin, Patricia, Shamira and me went to CP.
We ate KFC and then went to the library.
Pat and Shah was using the computer.
Onglin, Fatin and I went to sit down, we wanted to study.
But the person was like coming to us and sort of scold us.
Then we 3 went to Shah and Pat.
Then another guy come and like scold us saying that we can't crowd there....
=___= what a day.

The I went home while others went to Pat's house, cos' it was already like 4 pm..

So yeah, 7-5-10 (today)
Had English Paper 1 exam.
Section 1 was like, so complicated.
Cos' in primary school, the composition is totally different.
They will like give you a passage and then you will continue writing from there.
But secondary school they just give you like this short little phrases.
And say that it's a question and expect us to write like 250~300 words.
I chose the first one, 'Discuss. The advantages and Disadvantages of strict school rules' Yeah, I was like thinking what I should write..
I know I did wrongly.....
I wrote like the first paragraph for introduction etc.
Starting with a question....
Then second paragraph talks about why can't bring handphone like that...
And third talks about fancy hairstyles >.<;
And the last one is like talking how unfair, bla bla bla.
Well, it was sort of worth it , cos' I wrote like 321 words.
And actually planned for like 7 minutes and did it at like 20 minutes or so.
Sort of disappointed cos' I learnt the words in my book so hard.
And only used one, 'Achilles' heels' OMG.

And for section 2. Situational writing.....
This one is easier.
For me I put more effort in this one cos' this one is a mandatory (omg, I used the words I learnt here[:) compulsory I mean...
and it is much more easier than the free writing stuffs on section one.
I was like laughing during the exam when I go through each paragraph of it cos' I wrote like, 'I felt her body, it was hot. ' Yeah I know..
I didn't mean anything bad, Hahaha. I really was like smiling to myself cos' it's funny (for me atleast....)
Actually I wrote about my baby sister is sick, so i feel her body and it was hot XD

So yeah, with so much and effort.. i wrote like 374 words for the letter.
I actually got quite confused on what to write for the address and such..
I wrote like;
'8 Edgedale Plains
Block 216A
Singapore 20534

7 May 2010'

Dear Halimah

Hello there. How have you been? You are in Malaysia now right?.....bla...bla...bla '

Yeah.. Pat forgotten to write the address all.
Anyhoo. I think I also did wrongly for this one.
Cos' they gave us like... 5 points..
Then without thinking I just combined the first and second paragraph together.
And third and forth together. Then leave alone the fifth to be one paragraph.
So i only have like... 3 paragraph.
OMG... >.<;

So yeah, after the exam.
Mr.Keh collected and checked the paper.
He took like.. 20 minutes.
So left school at like 9.50.
Went to buy waffle at PP and gummie bears for Pat's sister, Pamela.
Cos' 'some' people ate it finished during the so called party or whatever on wednesday. And Pamela told her(Pat's) mom about it and Pat got like scolded.
So then took 83 with Pat, went to her house.
Watch 'Not another teenage movie'

So... really not recommended for people below 18 years old kay'

itfit sofo notfot goodfood forfor youfou kayfay!
Havefave sefexualfual stuffsfuffs. youfou, esfespefecialfiallyfy boysfoys, don'tfon't watchfatch itfit kaysfays!

So yeah! then ate at her house. It was nice(:

And then she on JB songs, yeah, both JBs, Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber.
Then Pamela was like singing along >.<;

Then at like 12.40 something I went back home.
At the bus stop, I saw bus 83 coming,
so yeah I went like infront of the door.
But it was like so full inside.
Suddenly saw Frazer, JunYan, Bryan, Tyronne, Wilson O and some other people I forgot going down the bus.
They were like so noisy...
Then on facebook Shah was like saying that she was on the bus with them -____-
And some random guy vomited.

So yea, that's why they went down I guess.
Then I heard them chatting that they want to go to CP.
Then I decided to call my sister cos' the weather was like damn hot, and the bus didn't come.. and maybe I can like go home together with my sis.
I called her and she said she was at CP eating Macs with her friends.
So then I walked to Compassvale LRT.
Then have this one group of compassvale students come to me.
One guy ask me how to go to greendale secondary.
I was like staring at them blankly.
Then this guy joking said, 'Eh, you bring walk with him to Greendale secondary '
Aiyyer, wth.
So yeah then the bigger guy (with earrings like gangster, well its like obvious that they are gangsters lols.) asked me whether I know this guy/girl called, 'Qing En' from 1A2...
lolololol. So I was like not thinking and answered, 'Sorry, I'm not from normal, I don't know him. '
Then he ask me ,' How to go to Greendale? '
Cos' I was like not that sure, I ask him to take a bus and walk away >.<;


So yeah, then went to CP and found my sister with her friends..
Since she was eating, with her friends, I went around the mall like around and around.
Went to Popular, Mini Toons etc.
Then she finished and follow her to popular.
Then went to library.
After awhile left again after she borrowed gossip girls book.

Then went to 'Best'
Compassvale sec was like invading it >.<;
And it was like mostly guys from her class.
Ya whatever.
Then went home blabla blabla.
Went to Fairprice, bought groceries...
and then we were like arguing, cos' I have like $19 with me.
Then the stuffs bought total is like $14~ $16.
Then she was like not trusting me, and didn't buy the Chips more cookies, and my Hershey chocolate!!!!!!!
And the total price after that was like only $12 kay~~~~~!
Hmph. At least I still get my Oreo(:

Yeah, I wanna watch some clips @Youtube.

Hope tssvsubs will faster sub Adam's day we got married(:
Gaki No tsukai is finished!(:
It must be tough..
Hello baby and Ukiss Vampire is also over.
Omg, lots are over...
Now waiting for we got married Taeyeon's & Hyungdon's...
And Seohyun's and Yonghwa's (:
And...... Invicible youth. I want cable TV!!!
So I can watch like Invicible youth, dream team, star golden bell with subs! >;(

So. As said, I wanna go alrdy.

Peace (peacing) out,