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Kay' so I tried the quiz of future Suju BF thingy,, (like LOTS of times.)

Tried Pat's, LOL...!

Name: Patricia Ann
BOD: 7 Oct
Fave colour: Black

Boyfriend: Siwon (Pat! You must be happy, he got abs :X Remember the magazine???)
He likes you because: of your charm (*____*)
Your first date was: BAD! (Okay...)
You'll cheat on him with : Donghae (Pat! ...I know you'll somehow do that XD. You prefer Donghae right? Kekeke.)
How long will you two last? : on our first date (Eee, guess you 2 don't match :X.)

2nd TRY~!

Name: Patricia Ann
BOD: 7 Oct
Fave colour: Hot pink

Boyfriend: RyeoWook (Pat! You like him too right? You said he's cute :X)
He likes you because: you're you (*____* Woots)
Your first date was: romantic (Kewl! I guess he'll sing to you like aLOT.)
You'll cheat on him with : NO ONE! (Pat! Kekeke ... Aeroplane?)
How long will you two last? : How long our love will end. (How long...?)

Tried Shah's~~ ( SORRY SHAH! )

Name: Iman
BOD: 1 August
Fave colour: Purple

Boyfriend: KiBum (Awww~ Maybe cos' his birthday is on 21st August :X)
He likes you because: of your personality (^__________^)
Your first date was: FUN! (I seehhh!... how FUN??)
You'll cheat on him with : NO ONE! (Omg, so sweet XD)
How long will you two last? : FOREVER and get married! (AWESOME! But, Pat currently like him, After Donghae tho(ugh) XD.)

2nd TRY~!

Name: Shamira
BOD: 1 August
Fave colour: Violet

Boyfriend: RyeoWook (Woots, he says he like girls who can sing well. ^____^)
He likes you because: of your eyes (Good choice! Hahaha.)
Your first date was: romantic (Kewl! I guess he'll sing to you like aLOT.Oh Oh, and not to mention, COOK for you!)
You'll cheat on him with : KiBum (Hahaha~~)
How long will you two last? : FOREVER and get married! (Heh, what about KiBum? :X) 

OKAY, so sorry..
I guess I post too much of those, but nvm kay kay?
I got bored.... :C
Pardon MEH.

...."Whatciu doin' down dhere?!"