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Really L.O.L

Umm.. 5 days didn't blog...

Have alot of stories to tell.
Alright , start from the hilarious ones.

So 2 days ago , on friday , 3 of my friends and I went to my house.
While on the MRT , one of my friend , Syah go and talk like ... argh , so embarrassing.
You know there's a reserved seat for disabled , old and pregnant people.
Then , since there was 4 people , I got the good seat and sat at the third place , and Syah sat between the reserved seat and me. the last two unlucky seat , beside me , Pat reluctantly sit there. ( Why I saw unlucky is because there is guys sitting beside the empty seat~ ) So , no choice my last friend Easter sat at the reserved seat.

Then when the train moves , Syah was talking so loud , and was like complaining. Nagging.
The people opposite us was like laughing, Gosh , it was so embarrassing.
Till I laughed non- stop , seeing them quarell.
Pat laughed with me too , then Syah was like so irritated by us and went questioning me and Pat , WHY the hell are we laughing at.
We were like , " Gosh, can you stop this right now? Can't you see people are staring at us?! "

She stare at us using her " You-think-I-care " and her " Admit-it-that-you-lost " face.
Then it was several stops after a pregnant lady came inside, and Syah was like telling Easter that was "forced" to sit at the reserved seat to stand up and give the lady a seat.

AND she was effin' enjoying it.
She was like , " Yeah , that's right. You need to do that , I know , I'm right , I'm always right. "

That time my brain was working real hard to distract her.
Suddenly I saw her ear , she pierced it.
Then I asked her questions like " Does it hurt? " , " Did any liquid came out? "
And so she was like talking about other things and stupidly started singing. " The Emo " song.

Then when we reached our destination.
We went to my house and like so lucky got a red packet each.
Then we talk with each other , laugh at my "Harry Potter" glasses