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Phew~ So things get back into place today. It was so.. funny!
Just right away when Parh came to class.
She was like tapping my back.
And then we were like explaining to each other about the incident.
She said she heard what I said , she said that I said she was not good in the first place , and also said that she wasn't bad and that means that she was neither good or bad and can't accept it. Yup , that's how... we (sort of) quarell.
And then , it's DONE! It's all over! Ta-da~!
I knew that her way of thinking is kinda same as mine. Hehehe.
Somehow we always think the same. Just that she's kinda.. hyper. Uh well , kinda over- active.

Anyhoo , today Pat didn't come.
Jake said that she caught a fever..
Get well soon uhh , tomorrow's Math Test.
Oh! Talking about tests , I just got my report book this morning.
My average score was 65.1 %
Well , you can say one of my highest..
Highest in class , 70.1 % , Amelia!! Grats :))!

Maths : 76
Art : 75
Science : 70
English : 66.7
Geography : 56
Literature : 46.7

[ Report Card On Top~ Isn't that clear , HP's cam .. weird2 ]

Yah , failed my Lit. I was suppose to pass it! Ugh , should have told teacher earlier , about his marking mistakes.
Anyways , surprisingly I got Maths highest~!! A1 , Wooooo~ First time in my life , math's highest!
But still , sad that Art get only 75 , cos Li X was like showing off to me how much she got for Art and was like dancing around me , I'm so pissed. How can it be?! She got 82.5?! Ugh , idk idk !
I can allow other people to get higher than me , but her.. I have no idea why I can't. Amelia get much higher than her , but I feel nothing. :/

And.. Geography , Oh No. I need to improve. Get only 56. My sis was like , " Omg , your Geog's so bad. " Gahhh. It's hard! And I'm not interested in it , I rather learn History my whole life.

Right , so enough of marks. Funny part of today ,

During the first period , it was English lesson , Ms.Sheena came to class and teach us English using horror story. It was creepy at the ending, 
" The man went into the hotel and up to check in desk. It was a small hotel , but he only needed to stay for a few nights , until his wife arrived. Although small , it seemed to be nice and comfortable. This wouldn't be a bad stay.

The check in went surprisingly simple. The woman didn't hassle him for all the detailed information; just the basic stuff. He was about to leave for his room (after she told him the directions) when she called him back.
'On the way to your room , there's an unmarked door. I would advise you not to take a peek in there.' He found there instructions odd, but said that he wouldn't look in.

On the was to his room, he did as he said and walked right past the door. There seemed to be nothing wrong, except for the fact that there was no number. The room, it turned out, was very comfortable and nice. After watching some television, he got ready for bed. The bed was quite  comfortable, but he couldn't fall asleep. The man couldn't stop thinking about the door, After an hour or so, his curiosity got the better of him. He got dressed checked to make sure that nobody was watching, and walked out into the hall. He went up to the door and attempted to open it, but it was locked. So, he looked through the keyhole and saw a room that was exactly just like his. He saw nothing unusual; just a woman who was standing with her back to the door. Odd, he thought. It was middle of the night and there was nothing to see. Also, her skin was ghost white, even though it was the middle of summer. He decided that it was time to go back to the room. The man was on the verge of knocking the door but decided not to.

The next day was beautiful. He walked all around the hotel looking for a sign of the woman, but found her nowhere. He even went into town to look around, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He decided to relax in the room for the rest of the day. He would be leaving tomorrow.

That night , he couldn't stop thinking about the woman, so he went to look through the keyhole again. As he looked, he saw nothing but redness. The woman must have wanted her privacy, and plugged the keyhole with something. Deciding that there was no chance of seeing her, he went back to the room and fell asleep.

As he was checking out the following morning , he couldn't stop himself. He told the woman that he looked though the keyhole, but didn't tell her what he saw. ' Oh well,' She said. 'You might as well know now that you're leaving. A long time ago, a woman and her husband checked into that room. That night he murdered her. Rumour has it that if anyone knocks on her door, she kills them. She was an odd looking woman,' She added. 'Her skin was as white as paper, but her eyes were blood red.'
Whoa!! Did you get it? The redness was the woman's eye! I just felt the fear now , when typing. But in class , I wasn't. Maybe because it was the first period. I was sleepy , hungry and was half- concious.
Then Nathan told us a scary story too.
Sort of like this, He told us , " Long ago , there was a family living in Ang Mo Kio. There were 4 members , the father , the mother , the brother , and the sister. The family was good in playing piano and the brother (which was older than the sister) was jealous with his sister as she was very good in playing piano. One day , when their parents were on vacations , the brother and his gang killed his sister and chopped her. Put her inside the Grand piano she used to play. Few days later , their parents came back and ask where the sister was. The brother said that she went to play with her friends.
Weeks later , she wasn't at home yet and her parents was a lot worried. The father called the police to investigate the matter. Then the father sat on the piano chair , and the the piano started singing ' father , father , father ' ( then it says something else I can't hear , cos I was sitting the last row ) The father didn't believe that superstitious stuff. Soon the mother came in and the piano started singing again ' mother , mother , mother ' ( yeah , again , he said something , it was real soft ) Then the mother was so scared , her face was really pale. Then the brother came in , the piano sings once again , ' brother , brother , brother , WHY DID YOU KILL ME?! ' ( Nathan shout the 'caps letter' , most of the girls were screaming. )

It was so shocking , my heart was beating fast then. I knew that would happen.
Poor Fauzi , Nat stand infront of him and was shouting right infront of his face. Then Fauzi was like so scared till he dropped off his chair.
Everyone was shocked. Even Ms.Sheena , she even said that she won't want to hear anymore horror stories from 1E3. Thanks for the story lols.

Well , the way he speaks was like.. so wrong , first , why would a person kill his own biological sister only because of a piano? second , why would he put the body inside the piano ? It doesn't really make sense , third , won't the body smell? leaving the body for weeks? fourth , can a piano sing? lols. I was like rebelling when he starts the story. But when he said the piano part , I became interested until he shouted " WHY DID YOU KILL ME? " so loudly.
Now I understand why he said the "father , mother , brother" thingy softly , so that he could scare us. Yeah , I admit , I got scared so .. much.

But then when he told the story to Ms.Beh , Ms. Marlina and Mrs.Franklin , it wasn't scary anymore. The funniest reaction was Ms.Marlina , she was like jumped while sitting down in shock. Poor her. All the teacher sat down while listening , Ms.Beh then gave us Homework after hearing the story -__- While Mrs.Franklin , she was like not moving when he shouted , right infront of her face. I mean , really , infront , right infront. He was bending his body to Mrs.Franklin. She's a pro! lols. I was actually worried that she may like be too shock or something. Cos she have some illness.

And then after that she went and show us videos of volcanoes and started teaching again.
Uhh.. Nice one huh? Today was uber cool! I think I wrote too long already lols. It was like more than 1 hour writing these. So , signing off. Bye~!!