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Term 2 :))!

Woo~! So Term 2 has started today. Well , teacher gave us new time tables and changed our seats, during P.E period.
Ugh , I regretted thinking about sitting with people that I don't want to sit beside..
If I know it would come true , I'll choose Asstart , Andrea , Parh or Pat. I did imagine sitting beside Calvin and what it would be like , huhuhu , I really was chosen to sit beside him. TT.TT I'm so... mad!
If like what I think of , well daydream about , will come true , why don't I just daydream about me being a millionaire?!
WTH. Yup , so... what the Buzan thingy , the teacher said was right... Dreams in your sleep won't come true , but when you day dream it MAY come true.
T______T Should have day dreamed good things.....

Well , think positive , infront of me is Andrea and Asstart.
Ugh , Parh and Pat , shouldn't have talked so much... you both were placed right infront of the white board.
Well , except Pat ... But Pat's luckier , both girls sitting beside her. Hahaha , something funny is that Pat was like being treated as a guy. Cos teacher said , " The reason I put some of you in the middle of 2 girls so that they can shut you up--" Something like that , well not that harsh, heh.

Anyways , after all those talkings , we went down to the school hall and went to exercise.
9 activities in total. Mr.Colin asked us to do arm , leg and stomach ... umm , training? For muscles.
So that Napha test will be slightly easier.
We did like staying in the same position for like 30 seconds , which was a something like push up position , but using your forearm , eh... is it forearm? Idk.
And then we did 160 of "twinkle-twinkle-little-star" It was like , so tiring.
Currently my knees and shoulder are both so sore.
Well , anyways , I enjoyed lesson today.
Didn't do my math... teacher didn't scold hah , of course , she didn't even check.

And after all those hours spent in school , I went with Dionne and Sharra to CP.
I bought a some sort of biscuits , heart shaped , covered in chocolate , and have little pink hearts.
For Mdm.Wong's Birthday today.
It cost $2.80 So EX~!
Yah well , she won't accept if I bought like stuff for her.
so after buying , I waited for Sharra and Dionne to buy their "tibits"
Sharra bought Macs , and Dionne bought Pearl Milk Tea.
Then when we finished , we went to MRT station and took the train , Sharra at Serangoon , Dionne at Potong Pasir , as she said she needed to go to her grandma's house.. And I stopped at Douby Ghaut. Then change train to don't know the line was called , and stopped at City Hall to meet Angel , I was late 30 minutes++ 

Ugh , will continue tomorrow , I think. Getting scolded. So pissed.