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dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

Part II :)!

Eeee , so early in the morning , after my last post , I went to watch We got married , Seo Hyun SNSD and Yong Hwa CNBlue.
Soon then my brother wake up and so I have nothing to do.
I actually wanted to go to the toilet but he needs to use it first as he was going to school.
So I waited for him. While waiting I fell asleep.
I woke up like around 1.34 or 1.43 I don't really remember , by my mother.
Yup , I got a scolding , AGAIN.
Well this one is my fault , I admit.
Last night , at around 11 pm , I went inside my room to change , so as usual I'll lock the room door.
Since I was tired , I just went right to bed after changing and forgotten all about the locked door.
Gah , and my sister was locked outside till like.. I don't know how long.
No wonder when I woke up I checked my handphone , there was like miss calls all from my family. Yeah , I was seriously worried , cos' beforehand , my sister tell me about it in the morning.

Ah~ So sorry. Idk about that , I'll try not to lock the door. LOLs.
Anyways , today ate Mom's cooking , Mie Soto , Idk whats it called.
Well , just that she used pork instead of chicken. She cooked so much till I saved it for dinner. Most important is that..
It was delicious (As always.. Hehehehe)

Hmm.. Really , nothing special happened today.
Just as usual watched some videos.
Played smpfilms's interactive games.
And downloaded some korean music (again ^^ !)
Will You Marry Me by Lee Seung Gi {I'll accept the proposal! Muahahahar! Like real -__-}
Heartbreaker by GDragon {Woo~ Mee H-h-hheeartt-BROKE!}
Breathe by GDragon {Breathe~~ Breathe~~ Heh , remind me of Asstart "Deep Breathe" , become "Debrief" lols.}

Ouh , carving for GDragon and 2AM's song suddenly. Wait did I choose the correct word? Carving...? Eh wait craving should be right , is it? Cos carving is like carve .. wood.. or something. Ah , don't care at least You and I understand , right? Hahaha.
I'm somehow hyper right now , even though I feel sleepy..

Right , so I'm just going to watch funny videos now and then hope for good dreams.
Nite Nites~! *nineteen-ninety-nine!*

Yup , song recommendation " I was wrong by 2AM "
Eventhough I think the song hasn't been released yet , over here.. I wanna buy their Album. FOR real.
I want it more than SS501's , more than SHINee's~! Me friends , buy it for me for my B'day~! Ah , lols. That would be great , :P You don't need to.

So , Signing Off.
iKiwi-ers! Annyong! Jaljasseo~! ( Bye! Sleep Well! )