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Uhh , so.. today was.. a so-so day for me.
In the morning , came quite early and did nothing much other than talk with Pat.
Then waited for Asstart to come , first time she came at around 7++
Then after that we like joke around about an incident happened to "them" who took the shuttle bus.
After all those laughter, bla bla bla , we went down to the hall and read our books , get hair and attire check.
It was so long , I was like almost sleeping.
Fauzi and John got caught. Soon after that we went back to class.
Yah , I sat beside Calvin -____- I feel like so dull. Idk why , lucky there's Andrea and Asstart.
Just one problem , Asstart won't turn around when I call her name. Ugh ,
Then it was english lesson , we did some journal , well I just wrote the title for today's though , cos' I was too lazy. And the choices was not much either. So just picked ' My Holidays '.
And then we had our science lesson , teacher told us to copy some notes and then showed us varieties of stuff. Umm , iron , copper etc. I feel like I was invisible , I pass the stuff to Cal and he was like looking at his paper all the time , well idk , maybe he really didn't see it.

Well , one advantage , he didn't talk as much as I thought he would, Hahaha.
Just that he mumbled something that idk how to answer... since it was quite soft , I'm not really sure whether I heard it correctly , but I heard he mumbled , " I hate sitting in this row , I hate sitting in this row , I hate sitting in this row. " thrice in a row. I was like multi tasking that time uhh , so not sure.
I want him to change sit though , with... Parh? or.. Pat? idk~
Yupp... so talking about Parh , today she misunderstood me..
Why must today end so badly?! I think she hate me now. She's so pissed off at me.
Well , you know today we have the chairman "election" thingy ( FINALLY! )
And then I really don't know who to vote for... Its like more than 19 people voted for Andrea.
Of course he would be the chairman , and he actually did , uhh , so obvious. I didn't vote for him.
Reason one , I was scared he would change , second , what if he was too busy to talk with us , third , what if he did too "good" till people hated him .. Fourth , what if he think that the responsibility was too big. Happy that he'd be the chairman though... Better than Nat. And , actually he asked me to vote for Asstart , but I didn't , the same reason as his , and add two more , one is that her pronounciation isn't good. And secondly she is abit .. well , slow in understanding *NO offence!* She even text me twice , msn me twice , about the same question , which was " Art need to colour? " What?! She even has her instruction paper with her.
Right , so , I voted for Amelia. Parh kind of dislike her , cos she just said " People who don't learn chinese is 'stupid' " just for fun. You know Parh is abit of race .. yah well , she really does care about people talking about races. And she thinks that it is not fair or whatsoever. Even if it was just for fun , she take it so serious that she will/ may hate that person.

Then we were like at the bus asking each other who we voted for. I told her and I said , " Cos' teacher ask to choose someone good , and you think that person would be able to lead the class. " then we arrived at the interchange , while people were moving I said , " I don't mean that you are bad.. " since it was so noisy , I think she misheard me , she said " I will remember what you said today , I mean it , " I did not understand her at first.. After walking a long distance , near CP , she suddenly blurt out , " Yah , I know I'm bad. ".. she continued saying it until I was fed up trying to make her understand.
Saying that she misunderstood. I didn't even have a chance to explain myself to her! I was so fed up and angry then I walked away after telling her that I'm going back home. From a distance she shouted , " I know I'm bad , I'M BAD! I'll make you GUILTY! " I didn't even turn back. Just went straight to the MRT. I think she hates me more..

@Parh , I don't think I said something wrong to you. I'm not guilty. I think you misunderstood. I really don't know what you were thinking then. So sorry. Hope you can forget this incident. If you can , forgive me. If you're like hate me now.. I really don't know what to do. I really don't want to lose a friend again.. If like you won't talk to me , Idk what Asstart , Andrea and Pat will be. UGH. IRDK!! just .. hope you're reading this; once again , Sorry.
ah , not in the mood to blog now , bye. Will blog again about what happened yesterday.. once things get back in place.. I think. :/