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Yeah , haven't blog in like , 3 days? Uhh.. Idk. I'm too bored.
I lost my maths paper , think I'm gonna get a scolding.... Gosh , hope there's people who lost their paper too. Well , it's my first time :/

Anyways , since I'm TOO bored.
Got something from facebook , yeh , by Pat.

1. Who are you?
Err , Kelly..

2. Birthday?
14 August.

3. Any sore body part?

4. Is something bothering you?

5. Waiting for anything?
Of course.

6. Play any sports?

7. If so, do you play varsity sports?
What does ... varsity means?

8. What does your last text say?

9. What does the last text from yesterday say?

10. Did you text your best friend today
No. Yesterday , yes.

11. How about your boyfriend/girlfriend?
What about... them? Oh , I did , yesterday.

12. Do you hate writing something really long and getting only an lol or ok?
Not really. It's kinda fun.

13. Send pix messages alot?

14. Whats your profile pic for facebook?
My , signature?

15. Whos wall did you last write on?
Huang Wen's , I think

16. Last person to chat with?
Wilson Ong >.<

17. Watch Jersey Shore?
Uhh , No.

18. Do you think its funny or stupid?
How should I know?!

19. Whats your hometown?
Indonesia ~!

20. Sooo whos your crush haha?
Hahahaha , Park Jung Min? Kekekekeke

21. Whats more important to you in a guy/girl: looks or personality?
Personality :)

22. Fav color hair in a guy/girl?

23. Twilight fan?

24. Top Three fav colors?
Brown , White , Yellow?

25. Did you watch the Hangover?

26. What movie do you want to see in the theaters?
Eclipse~ But it's not out yet..:/

27. Favorite song at the moment?
I did wrong - 2AM

28. Whats up?
Oh , hi. Nth.

29. Who do you sit next to in geog?
Uhh , I sit alone. Beside me is Amelia.

30. Bedtime on a school night is?
9.15 - 11 pm.

31. Got any plans for this wednesday night?!?

32. How about thursday?
Go to primary school on friday..?

33. Are you supposed to be doing something right now?
Yeah , of course. I have lots to do.

34. Do you watch the super bowl for the game or the commercials or dont watch it?
Don't watch , doesn't.

35. Was 2009 a good year?
Maybe...? Just lots of regrets.

36. Whats one thing you want in 2010?
Umm.. good grades.

37. Last book you read?
The lost boy by Dave Pelzer

38.Who do you sit next to in reading?
What? Well , I sit next to Shamira and Krystelle

39. Got an iPod?
Yes/ No , it's shared. I owned it only for one night , which was yesterday :'(

Uhh.. Both? But I prefer sweets. :)

Woo~ hope you.. enjoy reading it...? Uh , bye byes. I gotta do my art work :C