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Late :(

Woke up late today , didn't go to school.
Mom hasn't even know that I'm not in school.
Just hope that she'll go out of her room at like 1 pm. lols.
Cos' school ends at 12.30.

Ugh... anyways , Parh also didn't go to school today.
Same reason as me.

Well , I woke up at like 7.14 am.
I didn't hear my alarm for like 3 days already!
woke up late 2 times but still went to sch.
Today I didn't want to cos' I really hate being late.
Like SO hate it.

Regretted not sleeping with my mother , I should have been in school..
Oh my god , I feel so guilty ..
Firstly my group need to present the power point thingy.
I have the thumb drive. And I prepared the script on what to say tomorrow , guessing that they will not able to do it on their own.. Especially when the leader is like that...

To My dear group 7 members ,

"Sorry that I'm absent today. I did prepare the thing for you guys.I don't know what to do.. I'm really sorry.. :( Umm.. Did you guys plan it out? I mean.. did you present the things? What did they say...? and.. once again , I'm really really sorry! Well , good luck. "
Ahh!!! My mind is like , I don't know how to explain !! I'm so .. ahh!!!!!! SORRY!!
What if they fail because of me? What if.. they hate me? What if... they need to go to Mrs.Franklin remedial cos they fail...? Ah.. I don't know anymore! Seriously , just.. hopeless.
I don't know what to do!! If just I could turn back time to last night..
Even though it's good for me that I was absent , For them it wasn't , AHHH... just hope that the whole group was absent. It'll be good , right?

Ah , my mom still don't know that I'm absent.. just , come out of the room like , 1 hour 30 minutes later..!
OMG , my mind is all weird. I think I better rest. >.<
