Say "Hello."

HeyHo. Thanks for passing by.
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Please do leave a tag, or..
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Note peeps, this is my blog and I post stuffs that I want.
Relax, I don't post bad stuffs. *laughs*
Well, if you want me to remove anything, go ahead and tell me.

Enjoy! *peace*
dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

Uhh , so read Parh's blog just now.
Just realised that she likes to use 'home-d'
Oh! There's such a word isn't it?

Anyhoo, How long must I wait for them to finish making the class blog?!
I'm so bored right now, that I'm sort of having a headache.
Uh-Oh, still waiting for translators , to sub the videos.
They said they're going to upload Hello Baby Episode 9 english subbed later in the day.
Can't wait uhh!

Haven't done my homework yet.
Too lazy, And I'm somehow unsure of it as I only concentrates during Math lesson while Science was like making me frustrated.
So.. Uh, currently super bored and is sort of multi-tasking;
Watching Channel U 'Campus Shrew' , Blogging and listening to Justin Bieber's Down to Earth {OMG. I'm in love with that song! Must thank Pat <33!}

And , I like to say 'Uhh'
The End? Thanks for wasting your time with me.
B-B. GB. JB.
Bee-bee. Gee-bee. Jay-bee.
Bye-bye. Good-bye. Justin Bieber.

ARGH. I'm going crazy! Better stop writing now.
Peace out, Kiwi-ers!

Hearts Slitwrist& Cutstomach (: