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SO fun!

So! Today was so~ FUN!
Yep , Parh , Andrea and Asstart came to my house.
At first , we walked to PP and took the shuttle bus.
Stop at somewhere among Andrea , Parh and Asstart's house.
Then we walk and walk , Asstart went to her house first , then Andrea , and then I went with Parh , I sat somewhere near her house and read ' Time Traveller's wife ' By Audrey something.. I can't remember. I read it last year and then my sis return the book back to school.. Ugh , good that she remembered about me~
Anyways , after waiting for a good long 15 minutes or so (well I think it's longer.)
Went to meet Andrea. From afar running , with hair floating in the air , just imagine it. I couldn't even recognise him.
Then went to meet up with Asstart at 7-Eleven.
She wore ' I *hearts* my city ' T-shirt. It was nice , just that she wore her primary school's short. Hahaha.Soon after that we walked to the SK MRT station. Took the MRT back to Punggol and then turn one more round back to SK again and then went to FP. 

Put our bags at my house. Then went down to the mall and ate KFC.OMG , seriously. Asstart was somehow like.. on medicine. She'd gone rather mad.
Throw chillie, ice, tomatoes. So.. weirdddd~~! Well , cos Parh like to eat ice, then after I said that my other BF Angel , believes that ice is drugs (you know there's a drug called ice?) Then Asstart started saying like , " Ya what! It's true loh!"
Then Parh , Andrea and I was like , " Oi. Ice is water , water is Oxygen add hydrogen , 'kay? "

Then as usual , odd from the others , she kept on insisting that is was her answer that was right and said about what Air-Con.
What the hell does air con got to do with ice? Cool it you mean? They don't even use air con to make water into ice, Duh~
So then Parh was taking her ice from the cup and then Asstart was like rebelling and put chilli sauce inside.
Andrea and I was like enjoying the whole thing. It was so damn hilarious.

Then Parh got angry , started staring at her like she's some kind of evil person.
Staring so fiercely but Asstart still laughing. Seriously something wrong with her today.
Then soon Parh decided to wait for me until I finished my drink and then took and eat my ice.
Lols. Then of course , Asstart disturb her again. This time she attempted to put the chilli inside again , but who can win Parh strength uhh? She was like pushing her and then the chilli dropped on the floor.
In the mall somemore , so embarrassing. But still , it was funny and I laughed along with Andrea.
Well , after the false attempt , she took Parh's and Andrea's dropped pieces of tomatoes and scoop it up , planning to put it inside.
One question to Asstart; You. Do you have nothing better to do? lawls. Have you gone crazy because of your food?

Right , then , while eating , my sister suddenly showed up , and then I went back home with me friends.
They played the laptop and I wrote the script for Literature play, the group won from each class may win a glass of bubble tea.
Uhh , he won't spend over $20 he said. So.. like.. Buy the most expensive one and then add lots of pearls? Hahaha , so funny.

Anyhoo , then they Asstart went back home with Andrea at about around 6:10 PM.
Parh stayed with me till about almost 8 PM , cos' her mom picks her up.
Well , then I watch some last minute parts of Cruel Temptation.
Yep , it's true , what the president said , people change and make wise decision in hospitals.
And Shen Aili who's bad became good , thanks to Ninuo too though. For being such a good son.
I don't know whether there's that kind of child around. I don't know how he get all his confidence from and just talk to his parents as what he was thinking in his mind. Yeah , well , he's a child , no doubt. They're honest.

Yup , I'm so sleepy right now , and my legs hurt too , from the unhealed wound to be damaged again...
Yeah , ran 2.4 km yesterday. Woke up and my arm and legs are like super aching.
Plus , I failed the test. Probably because I was too mad and was like waiting for Parh , well , I left her alone.. Sorry eh?

Yep , so... signing of Kiwi-ers~!
Ki ki kiwieh! Kelliiesshh~! <3

And JB lyrics that interests me :)
"Mommy you'll always and somewhere
And daddy I live outta down
So tell me how could I ever be normal somehow
You tell me this is for the best
So tell me why am I in tears
So far away and now I just need you here
So we fight (so we fight) through the hurt (through the hurt)
And we cry (and cry and cry and cry)
And we live (and we live) and we learn (and we learn)
And we try and try and try and try
So its up to to you and its up to me
That we meet in our middle way
On our way back down to earth~ "