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(: Testtie

Level 1:

[ ] Slept in class
[x] Talked in class
[x] Not seating at your own place in class
[x] Scolded by a teacher
[x] Litter the classroom
[ ] Did not do your homework at least 15 times
[ ] Submitted your homework late at least 10 times
[ ] Came late for school at least 10 times
[ ] Brought/wore home clothes without school's permission(fbt shorts)
[ ] Brought/wore jewellery to school
[ ] Did not pay attention in class for at least 60% of the time
[ ] Cried out "sian" or "wa lao wei" to the teacher
[ ] Plucked a flower/ killed a plant
[ ] Copied other people's homework in desperation
[x] Played a trick on your classmates/teacher

Total so far: 5

Level 2:

[ ] Sent for detention class
[ ] Ate in class
[x] Not wearing your school uniform (if you have) properly
[x] Shouted at the top of your voice during lesson time
[ ] Scolding vulgarities in class
[ ] Spotted hairstyle deemed unacceptable by the school
[ ] Used a school facility without school's permission
[ ] Played soccer/basketball or any other sports in classroom
[ ] Singing loudly during lesson
[ ] walking around the class aimlessly during lesson time
[ ] Did not greet the teacher properly
[ ] Went to the toilet during lesson time without permission
[ ] Played a trick on the teacher during april fools
[ ] Used the teacher's table as a rubbish dump
[ ] Made yourself a nuisance to the teacher

Total so far: 5+2=7

Level 3:

[x] Was asked to stay back after school/ break time
[ ] Made a fool out of morning assembly
[ ] Wasted the school's toilet paper
[x] Sabotaged someone
[x] Irritated someone

Total so far: 7+3=10

Level 4:

[x] Forged your parent's signature
[ ] Forged a classmate's signature
[ ] Forged a teacher's signature
[ ] Made rude remarks to the school cleaners in front of them
[ ] Flew a paper aeroplane down from the school's highest store

Total so far: 10+1=11

Level 5:

[ ] Fiddling with your handphone during lesson time
[ ] Played with your PSP in class
[ ] Using school computer to play games without a teacher's permission
[x] Listened to music in school
[ ] Messed with the teacher's pigeon hole

Total so far: 11+1=12

Level 6:

[x] Vandalising with school property
[ ] Tried to defame your school in public
[ ] Used the internet to scold teachers
[x] Fought with someone in school
[ ] Shoplifted in school

Total so far: 12+2=14

Level 7:

[ ] Cheated in a test
[ ] Cheated in a school examination
[ ] Cheated for your PSLE/ GCE 'O' or 'A' Level Examination
[ ] Lied to your teacher
[ ] Played truancy for hall assemblies/ specific lessons

Total so far: 14+0=14

Level 8:

[ ] Took drugs in school
[ ] Smoked in school
[ ] Set fire to something in school
[ ] Locked the teacher out of the classroom
[ ] Played truancy just after coming to school just to take attendance

Total so far: 14+0=14

Level 9:

[ ] Refused to pay school fees
[ ] Cheated the school money
[ ] Stole things which belonged to the school
[ ] Bullied someone in school
[ ] Pranked called your school

Total so far: 14+0=14

Level 10:

[ ] Raised your voice/shouted against a student leader
[ ] Raised your voice/shouted against a teacher
[ ] Raised your voice/shouted against your discipline master/mistress
[ ] Raised your voice/shouted against your vice-principal
[ ] Raised your voice/shouted against your principal

Total so far: 14+0=14
Level 11:

[ ] Brought weapons to the school
[ ] Brought real firearms to the school
[ ] Brought a real bomb to the school
[ ] Fired a real weapon in the school with the motive to frighten/kill
[ ] Dressed up as a terrorist in school

Grand total: 14+0=14

If you are between:
0-15 - I am a good student
16-20 - I am a good student but with occasional trouble
21-30 - I am an average student
31-40 - I am a bad student
41-50 - I am a very bad student
51-60 - I should have been caned by the discipline master
61-65 - I should have been expelled from school
66-75 - I should have been sent to a reformatory

Muahahaha, lols. I'm a guai kia (: 
Hah, I am a good student.

Taken from Lydia's blog , which was taken from Puaytiang's blog.
So, I'm super bored, even the test thingy is boring. uhhh~~