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Woo~~ Free bubble tea today.
Ordered Chocolate oreo ice blended (upsize)
But was given an oreo ice blended (not-upsize) instead.
Ugh, it was alright, cos' I drank it quite alot of times already,
wish they would sell the ones like they did in my ex- pri sch. We were like ordering anything we like, all of us upsized. Hahaha, TiffTiff and Teresa couldn't finish their drink. Oh ya~ TiffTiff dropped her baby tooth again!(:

So yeah, Nat's probably getting canned. AGAIN.
He said it wasn't his fault... yeah, whateff, Idk whether I should believe him or not. He did to much wrongs. Pat said he gonna get canned probably like.. 4 strokes? Idk. I don't think so though,

And today was like uber fun.
Laughed seriously alot.
I was like laughing till I tear up.
Oh Hahahahahaha~! I can't really say what the funny stuffs were but, it's damn funny.
Actually most of it wasn't , just that , Banhong laughed, and I started laughing along, and then he saw and laughed, so basically we just laughed at each other.
Omg, just remembered Zhi Long asked me for my URL.
Yeah, idk whether he would believe that there is Cos' it sounds stupid. Yeah, i also gave my 2 years old blog, hahaha. So hilarious.

Anyhoo, tomorrow's Geog and Lit test.
Gosh, left my books at the cupboard after school, cos' I needed to bring home some papers, for my drawing thingy.
Yeah. It was a lot, and heavy.
God, lucky my sister still have her Geog sec 1 book(:!!!!!
Omg thank you! cos' she's learning geog using the sec 1 book and last year using sec 2's book. Cool~

So today I've been damn random.
Laugh here and there for no reason.
Then started stoning , especially during math and geography.
Oh, talking about geography.
Mrs.Franklin was like damn angry today.
God, i wish you 'people' would just shut your mouth and listen.
You said you didn't talk, Seriously? Will you ever wake up?
Don't you 'people' think about how unfair it is for others who want to learn?
Especially that tomorrow's the test.
Just, shut it. Gah, flashbacks. flashed again. idk what to write. so many things really happen, not important though. So , yeah.

Esther said 20 times of ' sian '.
And, didn't know Calvin would be so observant.
He was like saying, " If Esther, ' so sian~ '. "
Yup, of course, I started cracking up again.
Today was also quite a good day, just that because of some 'people', my mood is totally ruined.

P.S/ Esther xiao mei(: Ni hao?! Haahahahahah!!!
Da jie, Mei mei, Xiao mei. :P

&&& Pat asked me to write in larger fonts.
Aiyyer, actually I didn't want to.
Cos' I prefer to use smaller fonts. Ugh.
So yeah, it's this better already?