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Right, as written , today was AWRSUMMEE!!(:
Yep. Went to Pat's house after school.
I was like, yeah, so excited, cos' I thought we were going to watch horror movies.
Called , ' Chain of curses '.
Watch like only the intro and then she switched to ' Friday the 13th '.
And then, change again and again with other movies, ' G.I Joe ' . ' The suite life at deck ' , ' Other Cinderella story '..
Spent like 1 and a quarter hour  in her house.
Ate popcorns~~ It rawks.

Fatin, Shamira, OngLin and I were celebrating Hariz's Birthday actually.
He was like so paiseh. Hahah.
It was a good time though.
Anywayss,, Pat's hamster so , damn, cute, and, FAT.

My old hamster~~~!!!!
<---- Same breed as Pat's~! As fat too! But her's a male I think, mine's female. Aiyyer, should have known her since last year, maybe they could have babies(: lol. It will be CUTE~

Yeah, anyways, Nat got in house suspension again!

Duh, guess what? He brought rum and ciggerates (whatever it's spelled. idk)
And he will surely say that he was helping his friends -__-
Stupid. What, he said his friend, Max, helped him before, saved his life.
WTH. If like, you got no more place to stay at and you ask that friend, Max, will he allow you to stay with him?!
Think! He's just using you. Aiyah. Don't care anymore. I don't even know how he got bag check.
He even got canned because of that Max. Choose better friend , dude! Wake up!

Arh, enough of that Nat again.
English lesson we did some filings, 
Suddenly Mr.Keh came to class and said that there will be class test on Thursday ~ Literature, Meet the twits.
I'm sort of excited(:
Just that we will have a 10 marks question and wasn't even thought of how to do it.
Actually , Ms.Sheena wanted to help after school, but she left again.
Aish. Hope that Mr.Keh will teach us some methods for it tomorrow.
Oh yeah! Free bubble tea from Mr.Keh~~

I'm seriously weird these days, hyper in the morning, and then during like recess, I'll be do glum.
Then after school I'll be happy again.
Yah. Facebook says I'm 67% sad today.
LOLs. IDK. But I don't feel like it.
So yeah~
During science, did an experiment, it was awesome~
Did the filtration and evaporation method.
Heating up the salt solution on evaporating dish was cool.
Just that it was like so hot.
The salt was like erupting like a volcano. 
Seriously, jumping here and there.
Cool though, learnt something(:

So yeah, I wanna watch videos and play Pet society, Hotel City and~~ POPTROPICA.
I always lost during the 6th battle at the reality TV stuffs.
Peace Out readers!

P.S thanks for Shah, Pat and others who want and ate me today(:

Oh ya, fun part today~~ Shah told us;
It was like , open your palm.
You have 5 fingers right?
So.. Shah was like, *points/hold on your thumb* ' How do cow sound? '
You will ofcourse say , ' Moo~ '
*points/hold on your index finger* ' How does a car sound? '
' Vroom , vroom~ '
*points/hold on your middle finger*' How does person sounds? '
' '
*points/hold to your ring finger* ' How does sounds? '
*points/hold to your pinky*' How does Michael Jackson sound? '
*pinch your finger so hard that you'll say , ' AUUUWWHH!! '*

Ahahaha, tested it to Pat, Sharra and Hariz.
So hilarious. HAHAHAHHA..

SO that's me day, Pat asked me to write about it , so yeah, it's actually 9:25 PM. HAHAHAHA. Not lying, i was editing it. :P
CIAO peoplas++ (: