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Funny moments? Idts:/

So changed skin.
Nothing really happened today, 

Watched drama series 'Down with Love' (Channel U),
'I'm Not Stupid 2' (Channel 8),
'Incrdible Tales' (Channel 5), and part of 'Ghost Whisperer' (Channel 5) last night.

Went to bed at around 12:20 AM.
Can't finish 'I'm not stupid 2'
As other people were watching TV outside also.

Anyhoo, I've realised I'd been talking about troubles recently..
So let me just write some of funny moments that happened.

31 March 2010, Wednesday; or 30 March 2010, Tuesday;

Had nothing to do at home and went to stayback until 3.30 PM in school.
During those periods, ate lunch till' around 2.30 and waited for Dionne.
Suddenly Shamira appeared and bought drinks.
Actually she was at remidial lesson, for fun, too.

At around 2.55 or so, we went up , planning to go for science remedial.
While strolling, Shah asked me , ' Do I look weird? '
With her bottom teeth slightly moved outwards.
I said, ' Yah. Cause of your "teets". '
I forgot to add the 'h' idk~! Seriously, then I was like super paiseh.
I laughed all the way, while feeling sorry.

Whenever I saw people do that, I'll just end up laughing, remembering the incident.
Ugh, I'll try not to laugh next time. I look like a weirdo.. :/

Then we went up to third level to class.
I saw the class was quite packed with pupils.
So I was hesitating whether to go in or not.
Eventually I left Shamira , when she goes in, I stayed outside.
Hahaha, then I was like walking around the school till Esther, shamira and BanHong saw me from the back door.
Ugh, I was actually real scared. Somehow-Uh ~

I quickly took my bag and dash near the stairs.
Walked around the school until I met Atiqah at the library.
And then following Krystelle to canteen as Atiqah has to go for orchestra.
When going down, I realised my bag was gone.
I was like thinking that people was sabo-ing me.
Actually Dionne took it for me, she was at the other table in the canteen.

So then it was almost 3.30.
Went up to class, with Dionne , Krystelle etc.
I hid behind the back door and eventually scared someone from behind.
I can't remember who. Soon then class ends and I went to help to look for Atiqah's' hp.
Couldn't find it.
So went down to office to return keys.

With Pat, Fatin, Sharra and Shamira we went to eat at KFC.
I ordered Pepsi.
And then sat down at the round-round table.
We chatted so long , I think about , almost an hour.

Soon then we all separated.
Shah and Pat. Sharra and me.


** Uhh, incase you don't understand the funny part..
It was the 'teets' try pronounciating it. Do you get it? If don't ask someone(:
Or.. maybe it's better to not know.