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Fun and exciting, but PAIN.

It was an exciting day in school.
Was laughing like crazy until Parh said she still hate Andrea.
But during recess , I saw them laughing, I guess they're okay already.
Throw away all those negative thinkings.

Nat got one day in house suspension yesterday.
And got canned just this afternoon.
Like half of the class went out of the classroom cos' they can't watch him.
Think the principal asked who need to go out as Grace started crying even before he got canned.
Ugh , I didn't go out.
Somehow I was feeling so many.. different type of feelings.
I don't know how to describe it..
I was like nervous, excited, sad, and happy at the same time!
I know, I too feel that I'm kinda sadistic.
Yeah, You won't understand cos' you're not me.
You don't know what he did.
Actually he got canned because of stealing phone.

But he did worse, HE SMOKED.
I don't know whether it was true.. but , he brought it to school.

So, it was Geography lesson. about 12:30 PM when Mr.Tan, the OM.
Stand outside of the class.
I thought he was gonna check out bags.
But then Mr.Minjoot , him  and one more DM came in with canes.

I was like, ' This is it. '
Then Mr.Minjoot asked us to push our tables back.
We did as told and went back to our seats.
I looked at Nat and he was like worrying.
Yah, Of course he would. Duh~ =__=;

I don't know why I was like mumbling all the way,
Feeling excited like Andrea, we were like , ' He deserve it. He deserve it. '
I can't control my expressions and don't know how I should feel.
I laughed. I know, kinda mean. I was seriously, weirdly, anticipating.
He did much worse than stealing handphone.
Rememer what he did to Pat? Ugh , don't wanna mention about it. it was way back ago.

Right, continue, So then the DM put the protection thingy on his back, thighs and yah, cover the parts that shouldn't be wacked.
The cane was like. as thick as a white board marker.
The DM spoke to him about something I can't hear.
And soon Nat bent down..

I was like covering my mouth. Feeling so anxious.
The DM was like measuring, seeing which place to hit it correctly.
Then spread his one arm , holding the stick, 180 degrees vertical.
Swing it to the area to hit.
I covered my ear, not wanting to hear the wacking noise.
I couldn't see part of it as it was covered by Asstart.
I then put my hands down.
And ' Waa~ PIAK! '
It was like, seriously, 100% pure whacking.
It was loud. It was like, unreal. Like, sound effects.
My heart was beating fast then. Worse then when Nat told is the ghost story.
Since then the wacking noise was echoing in my head. All the time.
It was terrifying to see.
One weird thing was, Nat was fidgeting like crazy.
Move to the left, right , repeatingly. And scratch his head, his nose, Idk.
The memories is too.. I don't know how to explain. It was seriously, ugh, just.. try it.
Try and see it for yourself.

Soon then the other people outside class, went in.
Most of the girls came in with tears rolling down their cheeks.
Even Pat cried.
Dionne, Magdalene, more people cried.
The OM was like , ' Why are you crying?! '

OhmyGod. I'm feeling it now. It's so... just.. like the feeling when you really, pity a person , like.. crazy. Like you felt the pain, the feeling of it.
So then Mrs.Franklin comfort us, told us how she feels.
Said that she hated to see him getting caned as she herself is a mom , has a son.
Said that she knows how we feel. The pain.. 

Just hope, he learnt his lesson.
I think he's getting canning tomorrow too.
Cos' principal said that he will get 2 strokes of the cane.
Ouch, I don't want to think about it.
People who like, so scared and went outside.
Please don't. Your imagination go wild.
It wasn't as worse as you think.
Serious. I thought about it too. It was just like a whack, and then it's over.

Yeah.. Sorry for being mean. Hope you changed.
Think about those people, who cried for you.
Think about your parents. They care.

Don't feel like blogging. :/
I'm tired already. Let me watch some videos. Wasn't online yesterday, cos when I went home I straight away went to bed and like woke up at around 10 PM. And then went back to bed around 11.30 but slept at around 2 AM. Woke up this morning , quite late, at 5.30 sharp.. awoken by my sis alarm, the alarm was weird, it was like.. ' It's 5.30, wake up, it's 5.30 ' In a super weird robotic woman's voice.

Yeah, sighing and signing off.
