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It's real sad
Really, now I understand all about the Leo's horoscope.
What they have been talking about.
About despairs..
At first I thought it was Nat.. I was wrong. It was actually BH and Shah.
So many people in despairs.
Pat, Fatin with *****
BH and Shah.
I'm like in between.
Eventhough the first one wasn't really important to me.
They're still my friends.

Anyhoo, Nathan got canned.
This time round, only about 6-7 people went out of class.
He stupidly put a towel on his back.
It's so obvious from afar..
The DMs were like touching his butt.
Gosh, I was like... eww.

The DMs was like asking him what is that and why did he put it there.
Then Nat said , I don't know.
WTH? You don't know why you put it?
Even the Principal said, ' Why is it so hard... ''

Then they checked and took it out.
Soon then they put the protector around him.
And Mr.Zaini got ready in place.
Holding the cane.

Different teacher different style, He was like, 
checking the position.
Then spread his arm, swing the cane ,
make the scary swinging sound TWICE.
Like, ' Woosh! Woosh '.
And then full power, ' PIAKKKK '!
Gosh, Then Nat was like putting both his arm like surrendering.
The DM asked him why.
I heard him whining, ' Pain, pain .. '
I don't know, the teacher was like saying, why are you tearing?

OMG, seriously.
Anyways, before that, a guy from chinese class broke the glass windowl.
The relief teacher called the  OM and he was like pay $20 for property.
$50 for transportation. $10 free.

lols. He does know how to joke eh?
Yah, forget all about those cannings an all.

It was 1st of April.
Mr.Keh came to the class saying, ' Take out you Literature text book people... Okay, so.. I only have one week left with all of you. '
Others was like... 'WHAT? NO!!!'
The sadness in me was like welling up..
I was like.. ' It can't be! '
Then my mind was like telling me that it possibly be Aprils' Fool.
I told BanHong and Esther.
Confidently Esther shouted ' Aiya.. Aprils' Fool lah cher! '
Then others automatically following.

Mr.Keh was like.. ' Blame it on the sec 1A3 student, told me that today is her last day. APRILS' FOOL! '
Ya, we all got shocked. FOOLED. I feel so.. dumbfounded.

Anyways, after that it was music lesson.
Fauzi and Nat makes a fool of themselves.
Ms.Wong turned on Nobody by WG and asked Fauzi to dance. He did.
And Sorry sorry by suju for Nat to dance. And he also did.
I feel so .. disgusted. I don't know, I can't enjoy whatever Nat does. I just feel angry.

Yep, then after school.. 
I went to CCA and Shah, Pat, Fatin , Banhong and Esther went together and take bus home.
I don't really know what really happened..
But Pat smsed me yesterday saying that Shah made Banhong cry.
Saying that she made fun of him.
Idk, then I asked Shah, she said she pinched him.
Then ask him to sit behind as she wanted to talk to Pat.
When she went back to where Banhong was seated , she told him that he can go back to near Pat.
She said she then saw his eyes like watery.
And said stuffs to him.

PLEASE. I beg you. What the hell is this all about?!
Can you all like understand each other?!
I wished I was there then. So i could know, and maybe help.

Shah wrote on her blog ;
To ban Hong:
I can't be your friend becos i hurt you i'm soo sorry and pls if u want to hate me i really don't mind...  I'll change my attitude too.. 

To EX-family: 
I kicked myself out of the family the family and give the family to Kelly... PLs don call me parh anymore...

To everybody else: 
If i act weird it is because i am in thought... PLS AVOID ME!!!

3 Apr 10, 01:54 PM
Shamira// ban hong: I don't hate u OKAY!!!!! Stop it!!!! I hate myself for hurting you... there is no such hatred of you in me...
3 Apr 10, 01:18 PM
ban hong: just continuing to hate me till u anger is over
3 Apr 10, 09:27 AM
Shamira: and i know i am bad thus doing this
3 Apr 10, 09:27 AM
Shamira: parh is dead this is his will
2 Apr 10, 06:39 PM
Kelly: You are making yourself worse. STOP IT.
2 Apr 10, 06:39 PM

Ahh.. idk what to say right now.
Shah, Banhong..
Stop hurting yourselves.
It's useless. You're making yourselves, and others worse.
Just forget all about this incident kay>
Be good.

Gosh. I think about all those too much.
I even dreamt about OM , Mr.Tan brining canes around..
People running. Chaos.

I  even dreamt about Ban Hong, becoming.. so.. arrogant,
Hating me. Shah, ignoring me. OMG. The face , i dreamt about..
Ban Hong crying.. arghh!! idk anymore!!
Weirdly I woke up laughing.
Dreamt about my ex-teacher, Mr.Khalid..
During PE lesson.
We got a new PE shirt.
But it was ... actually a swimming suit!
So.. odd.
I got orange.
Calvin got green.
Then he wrote something on his clothes.
Like belongs to him or something.

The teacher was like using his clothes as example.
Told me something like.. ' Eh, don't write everywhere ah.. Like *points at the collar* Your name, name , name, name.'
Then he wrote ' i ' and ' u ' using pencil on the clothes..
At first theres words like, ' love' , 'shamira's '
I can't remember, And as the teacher add the i and u..
it became like , ' i love u shamira's ... '

Then the Calvin turned around and asked ' What happened?! '
In an Indian accent. Omg.. Then i woke up by my own laughter.
I saw the clock it was like about 7:45 AM..

Ugh, nevermind.
Don't feel like blogging.
Just, hope things get back in place.

And to Shah; If you wish to get out of the 'family'. Your wish, go ahead. DO IT.
I'm out too. Forget all about it, I don't want to care about it anymore.
But don't forget , I will still be friends with you people. Thanks, for always brightening up the mood.
Sorry if I hurt you before. Be happier(: