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School was alright today, Ms.Sheena was absent.
And Geog wasn't good. Because of some fools we need to stay back next Monday and probably next next monday until she say stop. >:'(
So frustrating. I admit I did wrong too, only because of a map which I can't stick it into one piece as it wasn't exact! There was like missing pieces!

And if like I didn't give her the file tomorrow with the needed stuffs, I'll get 0 marks for that. And worse, will be brought to Mr.Zaini or Zainal , idk. The DM or OM.
I don't want to! Hope 'those' people will do their work tomorrow. Seriously.
She wasn't able to teach us properly since like, last term.
If I were Mrs.Franklin I would probably straight away put him outside class.
Ugh, if he will still make noise I'll bring him to the OM, or DM.

Right, enough of 'him' just so frustrated.
Anyhoo, played truth or dare this morning during EL lesson..
I ofcourse, chose truth, eventhough it's like weird questions..
And then they make it into dare or double dare.
And common sense, I'll ofcourse choose dare.
Then they dare me to shout 'Nathan Sucks!'

Hahaha , I was like talking so much then and they're like 'Kay! Faster spin!'
And Asstart was like, ' Eh, You must do it ah. MUST hor '
Actually I didn't. I really hope I could. Eh, just that there's a teacher there and the class was so damn noisy.
Yeah, Nathan or who else in Nathan's group dared Jeremy to shout ' Your Mother suck ***** ' to Patricia.
And Pat was like ... WTH?!

It was actually funny, He immediately says , ' Eh, I'm doing a dare. A DARE.'

Right then it was finally time for MT lesson, YAY! Free period!
Pat and I went to do our D&T stuff (which was not used today -_-;)
Read Pat's so called doodling sketch book. And she wrote a lot about Armstrong.
Oh btw, I dared her to shout that she loves Armstrong. Hahaha, she actually was like willing.
And she really did with a big smile on her face.

Then it was recess bla bla bla, and math. We needed to do Excercise 5.1 AGAIN!
Cos' of bad results. Ugh.
And also, PE for today was.. well, pretty much easier than last week's.
Cos' I did sort of the correct steps. Hahaha.
Bad thing is , tomorrow's morning run!
I'm super lazy.. Just hope my legs won't ache for Thursday's as the timing could be counted in the NAPHA run and I will not need to re-do it again~ :)

OMG, I feel so high today.
Went back to East View Pri Sch.
Took School's Magazine. It ROCKS~!
Sadly didn't see Mdm.Wong and can't let her see my report card XD

So umm.. people with the Solidworks problems, don't care about it.
I think they gave us wrong website, think they gave us Canada's.. Uhh. Just, ignore it.
And we have excuse for not doing D&T right? Heheh, JK~!

Anyways, chat with Afiqah just then.
She seems to be in a bad mood.. Uh-Oh, Cheer Up my friend!
Don't bother about him , and her. Don't let your day be down~!