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dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

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Oh wow. Amazing and creepy stuffs.
Not really happened to me..
But yeah to Patricia.
To 1E3 pupils, you should know about the story Ms.Sheena told us about the 'neon-green' woman at bedok interchange right?
Yeah, Pat saw her just this afternoon/evening.
Even I, who heard it (from Shamira) is like, creep(ed) out.

I'm so curious which year did Ms.Sheena started studying at Temasek Secondary.
New school or old one?
Shamira said that the new one is already like 30 years old..
Ms.Sheena can't possibly be.... 43 years old right?


Patricia described her appearance like what Ms.Sheena said.
Short tube dress, bright green colour.... long white hair...
And, Patricia said that she looked into her eyes. And Pat said it was scary. Like, idk!

So basically, people who just read about it...
The creepy part...
As Ms.Sheena said, if you know/hear this story... you will she her at Bedok interchange area there.
Hey, I told you about it. Don't blame me XD
39 pupils is like... sabo-ed(?) by a teacher. lols. Kidding.
It's better than nothing. Must be co-operative(:
Oh wait that has nothing to do with anything.

Well, okay.
Ms.Sheena said it like, 'In my secondary school days, boys that time was "mean"(a.k.a bad). One day at Bedok station, group of them were laughing. I was curious and asked them why. They told me about this woman who is always seen at that area, using this bright green short dress. And the group called her 'neon-green'. Okay, so the creepy part. Oh, I should not tell you guys.'
then we were like, 'tell lah cher!'
Ms.Sheena then continued, 'So they told me that, if you hear this story, they say you will she her around bedok interchange. So if any of you sees her.. please tell me.' .........or something like that.

Well, Ms.Sheena said about other stuffs. But I don't wanna type it down here.
It just creeps me out *shivers*.

So yeah, PEACE.
KELLY. *peace*

Changed blogskin! WOO. and, updated my playlist with Super Junior songs(:
Super Junior - Love diseases
                   - Love U more
                   - Why I like you
                   - It's You

Woo. SungMinnie and RyeoWookie controlled all the facets in the song, Love U More!(:
And, deleted some songs. Yeah. ENJOYS!(:
Oh yeah, CNBlue's MV/song coming out in 18 May! WOO.
MBLAQ's also coming out soon. The teaser's out. Hah, it reminds me of power ranger.
MUAHAHAA, but, the intro is like... Lee Joon breathing , *whispers* 'Ah~ Ah~ MBLAQ~~~' 
Coolios. Well, that's for the song 'Y'. I don't know why they need to like.. Auto-tune it cos' their voice is already naturally good.
Anyhoo, another MBLAQ teaser. Forgotten what song, But it's so frustrating that Lee Joon needs to have like...kiss scene.
=_______= ikr. It's like... he don't even know the girl yet and then *poof!* it happened.
Well, maybe he's enjoying it? Hahaha. It's okay tho. Cos' he's not my Fav member. MUAHAHAHAH!
So yep. SS501 still haven't gave any news yet :/
Their Album release news is like earlier than SUJU's but SUJU's album came out first.
Oh well, maybe DSEnt just want them to like... release it after other groups did. Hmm, good choice, but not for the fans =___=
Uhh yeah, I guess I should like.. say good bye now. BYE BYE!!! BB!(: