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Oh HI.

Oh HI.
I decided to blog. Just feel that I need to blog.
Did English Paper 2 today.
It was alright.
I got confused with the first question at the passage A.
The were like asking 'What type of bully do you think the author is in high school?'
Well on top of it they wrote "Paragraph 1"
So I wrote about him being a bully in middle school.

It's like so stupid.
In middle school, he was a bully.
Until when his sociality dropped.
And his 'friends' started bullying him in high school.
Basically, he wasn't a bully in high school.

I was like cancelling the sentences I wrote.
I wrote like 5 times..
And, I guess its messy >.<;
I wanna ask Ms.Sheena.
I thought High school is like... Junior College....?
Idk. Who asks them to write using like American style, not Singapore's.
Then the second passage is like so boring.
The moral story is like about friends, about bullying.

I did finish the paper in like.. less than one hours time.
I checked and read the whole paper again and again more than like.. 5 times?
So yep, then after the exam.
I was hurrying home, cos' I want to play computer and blog(:
But at last went with Patricia to Punggol Plaza cos' she was too lazy to wait 2 hours for Shamira.
We ate KFC breakfast.
Woo. It rocks. I ate the Porridge meal.
Maybe I'll eat it again on Monday. MUAHAHAHA.
But maybe I'll eat the ones Pat ate earlier today.

Yeah, then after finished eating, we went to take 3 to interchange.
Pat go and take bus 43.
I took the MRT back home.

OMG, yeah. Then at my station.
While tapping my ezlink, have this one guy like shouting to the sbs person.
He was like not taking his $10, don't know for what.
I was like scare luhhs. Then the sbs person run and chase him.
He tried to give him the $10.
The man declined.
In my mind I was like both worried and frustrated.
Worried cos' I'm scared he might like punch the man or something cos I heard the word , 'punch' while he's talking to the sbs person.
And frustrated cos' it's a $10! Might as well give me :/

SO yep. After that I arrived home.
Saw my brother using his shoes going to college.
I asked him what was 'Transition' he said it means 'change'.
Ugh shat, I got wrong for it .. Gah. I wrote 'Journey'.
Cos' I thought it was like an education journey thingy.
Well, not as bad as Tyronne right?
He wrote it as 'Man/Woman change sexes'
God. That's like so out of topic!

Hahahaha. Today was fun tho , I guess.
Pat's penknife got confiscated by Shami.
>.<; And, I don't know whether she's like, going to kill Pat on Monday. Haha.

