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ShinDong has a girlfriend....):

Oh wow. Shin Dong HAS a girlfriend, and proposed her through the Super Junior Album at the Thank You section.
Using codes. Amazing isn't it?
Yeah, I know. More amazing is that, Shin Dong can make such codes, and the fans discover the meaning of it,
Here it goes. Credits to;

"Super Junior’s happy virus Shindong recently confessed his love to his non-celebrity girlfriend through the thanks to section in their new album.
One of the most popular male idol groups across Asia, Super Junior, released their 4th album on the 13th.
Regarding Shindong’s “Thanks to” section that was written using a secret code, fans commented, “Shindong used a code to propose to his girlfriend,” and even released a method on how to decipher the code.
Fans deciphered this message to read, “Nari, let’s get married. I am proposing to you. I will love you forever.”
The company Shindong is affiliated with, SM Entertainment, stated on the 14th,“Shindong confessed his love through the ‘Thanks to’ section. He is currently going out with an ordinary girlfriend,” confirming the allegations.  "
Well, I did get jealous and sad at first, well after I see his girlfriend's picture, I'm happy for them. The girl's pretty! and cute too(: Hope she has a nice personality. Heh, Just hope the other 12 members will choose a good partner. Argh, my mind's
 going weird. Seriously, if possible , I don't want HC and SM and SW to get a partner that I don't know so soon......): Ah, *heart broken*

Anyhoo, congrats. Well, I guess it's time to have a partner, he's like... 25.  Our HC is 29, WOW. Our SM-nie is 25 also, and... SW-nie 24~~ Woots. OMG, it's like average of 13 years differences XD. No hope. yeah of course. (: