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dKpop News
Big Bang IF
girls' generation IF
mblaq IF
ss501 IF
super junior IF

silence breaker.

Music Playlist at

Hey, people changed.

Hmm, deleted 2 posts.
I just felt that I shouldn't be posting stuffs like that.
I even forgotten what I wrote about...
Didn't wrote the previous(es) days cos' first thing, not in the mood to.
Secondly, the laptop is used by other people and now..
I'm not using the laptop.
Just type stuffs cos' I'm bored.

People changing , it's sad.
I don't know which path I should choose right now,
Friends? Parents? or... normal ones?
I'd love to choose to be like in my normal happy days.
But I can't decide.
I feel that, people around started changing... or.. is it just me?
I don't know.
I felt wrong to be around them. I tried avoiding, I did.
I just feel irritated and angry with myself.
I'm confused. I don't know what I should really do.
I don't want it to affect my life,
I'll try my very best to maintain my normal life.
I've not been in a good mood these days....
People do change, I can't change it, that's life, I guess.
There's lot more reason for me to be upset about,
don't wish to talk about it right now. Ugh.

Anyways, woo. Let's change the mood to be a nicer , happier one(:
Smiley faces does help right.
Ahem, so yeah.
Did Geography and Mathematics today.
Geography was unexpectedly way easier than I thought.
Thanks to Mrs.Tan for relieving our class.(:
Learnt alot and it helped in my exam..
Hehhee, but ... for Mathematics.
Oh gosh, I'm worried about that one.
I tried counting the possible marks I could get.
Errr. It was like 30/50. I'd be happy enough to get that much.
I'll try harder in my paper 2! Hwaiting!
Really will try as hard as I did for Geography(:
I'm stuck at chapter 6, algebra.. ohhhhh >.<;

So other than exams, nothing really happen today.
Went to eat Macs at compass point with Fatin after school.
Talked about stuffs.
Shar , Fraz, Wils, and some other stuffs.

Oh! just remembered, during literature class yesterday,
we were like doing this small test(?), then Mr.Keh on songs.
It was Nobody by Wondergirls. Most of the pupils clapped along XD.
Then we started to concentrate after the song finished.
But , I can't believe the song turned to be 'Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls"
I was like OMG-ing.
Laughing almost the whole time.
Lipsyncing (?) the song.
I laughed cos' it reminds me of the parody made by 2PM and 2AM..
"Dirty Eyed Girls" so hilarious.

Link here: CLICK HERE!(:

Yeah, you watched it. Or not.

So yep, can't wait for MBLAQ's and CNBlue's and mossly SS501's comeback!!!!
Super junior's 4th full album's out!
Love the new song(:
Won't write it here cos' you might say stuff that might make me sadder...):
Ughhh, I want to buy the new album! wait till it comes out on SG...
Sadly there's like, only 10 members in that MV.....):
Kangin's not there cos of the crime he did...
Wooo. Wondergirls' doing comeback too.
Can't wait.(:

So yeah, let me just wish you people who are sitting for their Mid Year Exam(:
