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I don't know whether I'm in the wrong or right..

So, Pat asked me to blog about yesterday.
Umm.. Firstly, I'd like to apologise for being so 'sadistic' at my previous previous entry.
I'm real tired that time.
And, the person I'm talking about wasn't that bad if you'd think about it...
Yeah, Alpha Kenny Body again(:
I'm sort of becoming weird ehs.

So I didn't blog yesterday cos' my brother brought the laptop to school for some weird 'Earth to Mars' presentation in college.
And my sister used the desktop.
Yep let's start(:


Woke up at around 5.18
Can't wake up exactly at 5 nowadays.. getting exhausted easily.
This week was a hectic one.

So then bath-ed and drank lots of plain water before going to school.
I can't find my specs (again)
I guess my sister or myself hit it off the table.
I took around 5 minutes and found it in the red-cloth-i-don't-know-call-what bag as usual.
So then I suddenly got a stomach ache.
Feel like I don't want to come to school.
But mom wasn't in SG.
So decided to come.
I left home like 15 minutes late.
Walked real fast to MRT station.
Arrived there like 6.23 something.
Usually took the 6.19 train , but missed.
So I took the 6.25 one (i think)

Met Joelle(we met for the second time hehes.) and went to take LRT with her.
She was like taking picture and asking me whether it was good , pretty , which one was better and such.
It was.. weiirdd~
So then I went down at meridian, she went down at coral edge.
I didn't want to go down with her cos it was like awkward.
And she keeps talking to her other friend.

Soon after walking, I arrived at school.
It was like 7.05++ and there were quite alot of people already.
The feeling isn't good. Idk why.
So after awhile, went down to assembly.

Even the people who was suppose to shout commands were like blurr-ed 
She shouted ' Sekolah Tahan Se... '
That was actually for putting your right hand to your chest.
So , some people were like laughing.
Uhh, she must be so embarrassed.

OMG, i'm talking like out of topic and I guess this entry would be quite long eh.

So let's just skip to Math lesson.
We went through chapter 6..
I didn't like hand in 3 sheets of the homework..
Then got scolded during recess.
With Nathan, Jon, Patricia, and some other pupils.
Lucky I finished the homework beforehand.
Uhh, I was like super pissed off cos' I didn't tell her the reason why I didn't hand in on time..
MT was quite boring.
We talked , sing, write lyrics, and do homework (Pat, only.)

So recess was a slow one.
Science too. It was boring.

English lesson was quite fun(:
We were like writing down our comments/opinions on a piece of paper.
50~80 words.
Ms.Sheena on a song. Whatya' Doin' to me (?) by Adam Lambert
And said that it was Mr.Zaini's favourite song. (lols)

Then some people started chatting.
And Ms.Sheena asked us to crumple the piece of paper.
Actually I thought she want us to throw it at her (lol)
Cos' she said she is giving us opportunity to like 'revenge'.
It's fun(:
Well, we didn't really throw at Ms.Sheena, but we did throw at our friends(:
Heheh, I throw at like Dexter, Esther, BanHong, Magdalene, Calvin and more.
It was like 5 minutes(?) , then Ms.Sheena asked us to take a piece of paper 'balls'(crumpled) from the floor.
I took one.
At first I guessed it was Fatin's .
But after school Shamira told me the story and it was hers!

It was sorta evil.
It was like 'We already spent 30 hours of studying in school, why need homework? '
Well, I sorta agree? Hahaha.
Then the last sentence she wrote ,' Who invented homework? '
I totally agree! Hehe.

So yep, after all those stuff we settled down and learn some exposition thingy.
It was kinda easy at first until I got almost all my answers wrong =__=
We did corrections.
Then bell rang, school's over.

I stayed in class.
Consider for awhile whether I should just go off or wait for some people.
Then Shamira asked me to follow her to the toilet cos' she want to change.
I did but put my maths homework which I owed Ms.Beh at her pigeon(?) hole first.

After she came out from toilet, she was like 'screwing' her maid for bringing her the wrong pants.
She was given her brothers' (lol).
It was quite tight if you see.
So then we ate at the canteen.
I bought fried rice.
She bought rice with curry chicken.
Then we decided to buy Milo ice-blended.
It was nice.
We chatted alot.
And sort of complaint about some people that we don't like.
Talked about the canning stuffs, how unfair it is and such.
I love those times. Missed it.
That is like the time when I get close with Shamira..

So we sat there until like 1.20 something.
And went to take our bags and go to 1E3.
Sharra and ZhaoZhen were there.

Then Shah and I both left to 1E1.
I talk to Shanice awhile.
And then join the the conversation with Shamira and Shakira.
They were like talking about Fauzi.
Cos' he likes that Shakira.
And stuffs.

So we talked quite alot.
Until around like 2.20 , Sharra, Shamira were getting ready for floorball.
I was hesitating whether I should wait for them or not.
Cos' they will finish at like 4.30.
So, I actually did waited until their CCA finish at 4.30.
Cos' I was like super bored if I'm at home..
And, I need help from them to activate my secondary school EZ-link.
Nathan was also in the hall.
He was suppose to go to soccer but it was cancelled.
So I chat with him for awhile.
Asking about the caning stuffs.
It's just so unfair..
He told me that he gave the letter to the OM, Mr.Bon (or something like that)
And he didn't accept it.
Ughh ... 바보!!! 
Nathan even asked him whether he can take the cane for Fauzi.
And guess what, he asked Nathan to ask the principal..
Argh. What is this?
He said that he wasn't getting cane for damaging the cupboard, but for getting inside it and not paying attention in class etc.
Idk, I guess it was because Nathan was involved..
Cos he already got caned 6 strokes already.

Gah. Just.. Hope they'll be okay-ish.
Anyhoo, during the floorball CCA, I saw the training, it was kind of tough.
They ran the whole hall for like 10 minutes non- stop.
Then after running they walk 1 round the whole hall and get into position.
They did some warm- ups , then did 10 girl push ups, 10 crunches(?) , sit ups, etc.

Then they rested.
Had break cos' they can't find any floorball 'ball'.
Then Shamira chatted with me, talk about stuffs.
Then break ends, they found the balls and played.
So another break, and another, Shamira was like testing Nathan on Geography as he always like disregard Mrs.Franklin.
It was.. well.. sort of intense.

So then 4.45 PM, they were released.
I helped to put back the... fense(?) 
Then talked to Hailen(?), Shamira, and Sharra.
We took bus 85. Stop near CP.
And eventually walked there.
Uhh, the Hailen(?) stopped at her stop before..

In the bus, Shamira was like, ' I love you, cos' you are my best best best friend '
Then I was like, 'Go die.' (Hey, No bad intentions.)
Oh God, idk how I should react.
How would you?

SO we then walk to CP and I did my ez-link stuffs first.
And at last bought Old Chang Kee's curry puff.
I took 2 bites and save it for later.
Hugged Shamira before going home with Sharra.

And then went in the train with her.
She was like telling me how she thinks that Shamira hates her.
And why she talked in malay to me behind her.
Told me how she was 'worried' for her as the seniors in floorball don't like her.
And is 'scared' that Shami would be like beat up by the gang..
It just won't happen kay'. Even if it happens, Shami will still have other people who support her right?
Imagine, some people in class don't really like Fauzi and Nathan, but , like almost the whole class signed and agreed that they shouldn't be caned.
Hey, people care. Even if they dislike you , they still care.

So then she was like repeating the whole thing all the way till Kovan.
Idk whether she being 'worried' towards Shamira is real kay'
I observed her, I feel that... she's just doing that cos' she doesn't want to lose a friend.
Like, during PE lesson on thursday..
She was like telling Jacelyn that her(Jacelyn's) hair was messy.
And then she asked Faith for comb without even being asked by anyone.
I know why she does that, but I can't be sure that she don't hate this person or not.
She cursed people in her mind if she's like pissed off with them or something.
I asked her lots of questions, ofcourse not too personal.
I know why she did all those stuffs, her conditions..
When she's like, doing something that I dislike..
I need to like, stare at her.. then she understands.
Well, it's not totally her fault, the people around her is also involved.

Ugh, kinda feel better after writing those stuffs down.
Hey, don't get me wrong, I don't hate her or stuffs, I'm just releasing something that I kept inside and only like.. 2 person knows(?)
And, I'm sure about it, don't hate her kay'
She's a person, with feelings, afterall.

(I 'stroke' it cos' I don't want you people to really read it)

Then I arrived home, ate , watched TV and slept while lying on the floor >.<;
Bath-ed at like 8.
Then used computer for awhile cos' sis wasn't using.
And watched several short videos..

And then slept.(:

-The End-

Heehehee, today is 1st May!
I'm so excited , this month is gonna be good I guess,
Mid- Year exams is coming!
After we finished our exams, we can go home straight away!
Yay! I planned to like go to Pat's house and watch some movies.
Plan to eat popcorns (hehe) and watch horror movies.
Just hope she doesn't change the movie alot of times...

(I want to buy cable TV (StarHub stuffs) also!)

So, I'll scan the doodling stuffs I kept soon.

SHINee's Last Gift is nice(:
I added it on my playlist recently.
Love it.

Yep. SO..


Kellyy (: